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I'm startled out of my daze as the boat jerks to a sudden stop. In front of me is a strange structure made of wood. It looks steady enough to stand on... I take a little step onto it, huggin the Nome in my arms tightly, lifting him right off the ground, but careful not ot wake him. I dart across the wooden platform, the waer smashing into the pillars below me, spurring me on faster.

I throw myself onto the cobbles of the streets, waiting for the comforting of the ship's slow rocking.. but of course, it doesn't come. I slowly get up and am greeted with the disdainful glares of several Humans. Apparently is isn't very normal to lie on the ground. The sky is bright, still darker than the Maw. There are tiny lights in the sky, obviously to help the Humans see in the...'dim' light. 

I start to wonder, looking at the sights of the Outside. Then an arm, accompanied by a voice asks,

"How did you get in here?"

I turn to see a Human Man, it's tall and his hair is black, long and greasy. It looks like it hasn't slept in weeks.. but i know that if were were having a competition then i would win by a landslide. I scowl at the Man, but i doubt it can see past my fringe.

"I walked."

I rasp. My voice weak from barely using it. The Man doesn't seemt to happy with this answer though and huffs loudly.

"Where are your parents, Kid."

The word baffles me. I search my mind for anything that could explain what this was. Then my mind makes a connection. Parents... rats! Maybe they were a type of food. Maybe the Man would feed me! Turning the question in it's head, i ask

"Where are your parents."

The Man gives me an unimpressed look which is followed up by my stomach rumbling quietly. It looks a bit worried so, the Man rolls it's eyes and puts a shand on my back, pushing me forward gently. I shy away from it's hand as it herds me in one direction.

It eventually leads me to a door. When the Man pushes it open, inside is row upon row of tables, each bustling with Humans. This brings back bad memories of the Maw that bring tears to my eyes and others that makes me start to shake in fear. 

The Man seems to notice but doesn't remark on it, instead it brings me past the tables to a counter, behind which stands a Human Chef. The Chef looks down at me,

"What would you like?"

The sound of it's voice, echoes around my head, rattling the memories that i have locked tightly away. I take a deep breath and ask

"D-do you have a-any m-meat?"

The Chef looks shocked at something. I'm not sure if it's the request of meat or my voice but it looks worriedly at the Man. It also looks a bit worried but turns back to me with a strange look on it's face.

I watch and attempt to mimic it. My face stretching and changing unnaturally. The Man's face also changes, it looks shocked and worried but there's something else there that i don't recognise. 

The Man watches me rip through the meat. I didn't trust the other items on the table. It looks too much like the food that the Guests ate. Once i'm done the Man grabs and my arm and before i can stop myself, my teeth are buried in it's forearm. I hear a hiss of pain and as soon as my teeth are detatched from it's arm it pulls back. 

"You've got a strong bite Kid."

It shakes it's arm and guestures for me to come instead. I pick up the nome from the chair and follow it through the halls, taking care to map the unfamilliar halls to make sure i always know where the exit it. 

We go through a massive door and i see many tables, a Human at each. My breath catches and the Man glances my way.

"Students, i found this child wondering around. They managed to somehow get through our security devices. They're going to stay here for the time being. Be nice."

With that the Man lays down on the floor and grabs something bright and covers itself with it. I turn back to the other Humans and see most of them stretching their faces at me. With a huff i stretch my face back. Remembering how it felt to stretch and just repeating it. Suddenly everyone stopped stretching, did i do the wrong things? Then they glance over to the Man then back at me. I relax my face back to it's usual shape and just stand there, careful not to shake as not to show fear to the Humans. Suddenly one of them speaks up.

"Hello! I'm Ururaka, this is Deku, Iida and Todoroki."

Ururaka's tone is bright, light that first ray of sunshine i had seen. Ururaka continues to speak, naming everyone in the room. Then she catches my attention again.

"So, what's your name? Oh! I'm so sorry! Are you ok?"

Only now do i realise that i'm crying, the tears trailing down my face. I reach up and wipe them away. Thinking quickly, i use what the Nomes call me.

"I-i a-am Z-z-zero-o."

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