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A/N = Wow, 5 favorites already? That's awesome! I really didn't expect anyone to read this at all, so thank you!!

You slammed open the large door to your house, knowing that this was going to be one of the last times you saw it, or your yard. You could hear your mother humming a tune from the kitchen, and you go in there to grab a soda out of the fridge, ignoring her when she attempted to start a conversation with you. You didn't want to hear it. She was giving you a pouting look, but you still ignored her, with roll of your eyes. You sprint up the stairs, open your bedroom door, and fling yourself onto the bed; but not before closing and locking your door behind you.

You put your earphones back into your ears, nodding your head to the beat that played. You began to think about what you were going to say to your mom when the time came. You knew that it wouldn't be in your best interest to yell and scream at her, no matter how much you were tempted to. Even though you had accepted the fact that your father was gone, she still had a tough time with it, so you really hated yelling at her. After a while you decided to just tell her that you didn't want to move, and you wouldn't yell.

Soon enough, it was 6 o' clock, and you made calmly made you way down the steps, and back into the kitchen, earphones in your pocket once again. She greeted you with a smile when you sat down at the small table, facing her. She finished whatever she was mixing and poured it into the pan, before placing the pan into the hot oven. Whatever it was smelled like coconut. She wiped her hands off on a near by paper towel, and sat down across from you at the table, a smile still on her face.

It was rare to see her smile, you couldn't help yourself, and began to smile as well. She stared over at you, her head resting on her folded hands. "
"I'm glad you decided to join me to dinner, even though I know that you're angry at me." Her smile faulted a bit, making you frown and grab her free hand.

"I'm not angry mom," You stared her in the eyes, "I admit, I was extremely angry when I found out, but I've calmed down. Hey, maybe moving would be good for us?"

Her smile slowly returned, and she squeezed your hand as a sign of reassurance. "I think it will too, [Name]."


Your mother shoot up from her place at the table, and took out whatever she was making from the oven. She leaned on the counter for a few minutes before taking the bowl she had been holding earlier, and spreading the contents of it onto the thing in the pan. It smelled like cake. You wonder why she decided to make one. She hadn't made one since last Christmas last year, but it wasn't like you were going to complain, you loved her cooking.

She took the cake from the pan, and put it on a shiny metal tray, sitting the tray on the table in front of you. You saw that the cake had something written on it, and read it, as your mother grinned down at you.

'Happy Birthday [Name]!'

"Happy eleventh, [Name]." Your mother said happily, pulling you into a hug. What? It isn't my birthday, right?

"Are you sure today's my birthday?"

"Of course it is, silly! It's October first."  You blinked in shock, raising a brow. The days had passed so quickly you had forgotten that your birthday was today. The, it hit you. This would be your first birthday without your day there to celebrate with you. You turned your head down as you felt salty tears sting your eyes, that had pretty deep bags, due to you not getting as much sleep as you should be.  You sniffled quietly, feeling a tear roll down your cheek, and quickly wiping it away with your sleeve.

You took a few deep breathes, and eventually calmed down, looking back up to meet your mothers worried eyes. She came nearer, placing a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry, honey. But if it makes you feel any better, in sure that if he could see you now, he'd be very proud. I know I am." She gave you the best smile she could, and hugged you again. You wrapped your arms around her, and she let go a few minutes later, taking her seat across from you, and handing you a plate of the cake.

You both carried on talking for the rest of the night, and she told you that the movers would be coming to help you pack tomorrow. After you finished eating, you excused yourself from the table, and made your way back to your room to pack up. Sometime later you grew tired, and laid down on your bed.

Before you drifted off, you began to wonder about the new house. Your mother had told you that she had already been hired in the new town, so you wouldn't need to worry about financial issues. You feel bad that she has to work so hard now, and you wish you were old enough to get a job, but sadly, that isn't legal, and you knew that even if you did try and help her with the bills, she wouldn't let you because she cares for you more than herself.

I wish should just let me help...... You thought as your eyes finally drifted close, and you fell into a deep sleep.

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