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**Ya'll nasty. Read responsibly and don't comment, please❤️. This fanfic is six years old.**

You rolled your eyes, a sigh escaping your lips as you did so. You silently wish that you could've just stayed in art class, or even better; at home. But sadly, what wasn't how life worked for you. Your teacher glared over at you from her desk as usual, and you glared back for a few moments, before going into your backpack, and pulling out your GS3, and started playing.

A few minutes later, you heard footsteps make their way over to your desk, and you paused your game, looking up to see who dared to come close to you. You saw your math teacher, glaring straight down at you, and all the other students staring at you in shock. You rolled your eyes, and went back to playing, hearing her growl, and then you saw her old, wrinkly hand come down next your screen, but you moved your game away before she could grab it.

"Hand it over, [Name]."

"Fine." You paused your game once again, and took out a piece of paper from your bag. You wrote 'it' on the paper, and handed it to her. She blinked in shock own at you, before looking like her head was about to explode from anger. "What? Did you buy this from the game store with your money?"

She backed up, and pointed toward the door. "Get out." She growled, making you chuckle, and grab your things, making your way to the door. You swing it open, and spit out one last thing, a smug grin on your face.

"You didn't say please."

"Out!" She screamed, her face deepening into an even deeper shade of red than before.

"You say 'get out' like it hurts me. That's hilarious." She giggled, walking out into the hallway, hearing the door slam behind you. A few minutes later, you sat in a chair in the main office, still playing your game. You had your feet propped up on the chair next to you, and just as you were getting comfortable, you heard someone say your name, the person most likely being the principal's secretary, that the principal was having an affair with. "What?" You question, not taking your eyes from your game for even a split second.

"To the principal's office." You put your game back into your bag, stood, and made your way behind the front desk, and through the hallway, stopping outside his office door. You obviously knew where it was, having been there many times in the past. You raised your small hand to the door, and knocked, grin still present on your face. The door swung open to reveal a fat, ugly, annoying man, that you despised. That man being the principal.

He opened the door with a smile, which clearly faded when he saw it was you at the door. He rolled his eyes, and moved so that you could enter, and you did. He sighed, as you sat down at his chair, and began spinning around in it. "What'd you do this time?"

"Geez, can I at least get a hello?" He glared down at you, as you continued spinning.

"Hello. Now, what did you do?"

You groaned, "I talked back to the teacher, and played my GameSlave in class, so Ms. what's her name sent me out of class. You know, the usual."

"Of course," He paused, and the smile returned to his face, much to your surprise. "Your mother called-"

"Oh goodie!" You exclaimed sarcastically, throwing your arms in the air.

"-and I'm very excited to tell you that guess what? You're moving!"

"What?" You screeched, and instantly spun around in the chair to face him. "I don't want to move..."

"Too bad! The teacher are throwing a party after you leave." He laughed, your eyes widening. You felt tears fill your eyes, so you stood as calmly as you could, grabbing your things as you did, walked out of the office, and into the bathroom. You ran into one of the stalls, sat down, and cried for what felt like hours. You cried loudly, clutching your knees to your chest.

You didn't want to leave, and you hated moving.

But, you had no say in the matter of course.


You heard the school bell ring, and you cleaned yourself up as quickly as you could in the sink, rubbing some of the water onto your face, before grabbing your things once again, and sprinting down the hallway and out of the door of the school that you would no longer be attending. You ran to your bus, hopped on, and went home.

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