Pamper Time

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Imagine this...

You're in the middle of making a model for your architecture class and you're haven't slept the past three days and you're starting to feel the sleep deprivation eating away at you.

As you're applying glue to the piece in your hand, your door burst open and you almost spilt glue everywhere.

Turning around, ready to yell at whoever barged in, you see your boyfriend standing there grinning carrying plastic bags with him. Putting the bags on the ground, he approaches you, takes the things out of your hands and drags you into the bathroom where he proceeds to fill the tub.

Not knowing what to say, you just watch him as he grabs the bags he brought and starts to take out face masks, bath bombs, candles, and oils.

As he starts to place candles around the tub , you snap out of it and ask. "Uhmmm, what are you doing?"

"Look I know that you are very busy right now but you haven't texted me for hours and you usually only go MIA when your either majorly stressed or crying. So I decided to buy some stuff for a bit of a pampering and destressing." Turning off the tub he faces you.

"Babe, look, I really appreciate it but my model is due in three days and I don't have time to relax right now so can we just do this some other time?" You say tiredly.

Approaching you, he puts his hands on your shoulder and places a kiss on your forehead before saying "Come on. Look I promise that it will take like two hour, maybe two and a half max. Besides, you look and sound like you really need this right now."

After a minute of contemplating and your boyfriend giving you puppy dog eyes, you reluctantly give in.

"Ugh fine, but only if you do the face masks with me and take picture." Seeing the smile on his face when you agree, you start to smile as well.

An hour into your pamper session and you've just finished with the facemasks, the both of you are in the tub with you laying on his chest.

Slowly, you start to feel yourself falling asleep from the feeling of the water and from your boyfriend tracing random shapes on your skin.

Before you fully succumb to the darkness of sleep, you here your boyfriend whisper a line so quietly you thought it was a dream.

"I can't wait for the day you become my wife."

And another one!!

Hope you guys enjoyed this part as much as I did writing it!!

Remember to comment your suggestions.


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