Zoo Time

27 1 0

Imagine this...

You and your boyfriend are in the parking lot of the elementary building of your school. Since it's required for all seniors to volunteer to help the school with something, you and your boyfriend decide to volunteer to chaperon the elementary school field trip to the zoo.

At 8 o'clock you hear the teachers start to usher the students into the bus, you and your boyfriend get on to the bus that has one out of the three classes going on the trip today and has only one teacher in it who is already sitting at the front of the bus. Going straight to the back of the bus, the two of you sit down.

About ten minutes later, the teacher does a quick role call before telling the driver to go and start driving. Throughout the bus ride, you lean your head on your boyfriend's shoulder wearing one of his air pods as you listen to songs on his phone.

When the bus arrives at the zoo and everyone is waiting at the front entrance, the teachers do a quick headcount and then put the students in two lines with teachers in front of each class leaving you and your boyfriend to trail behind everyone as they start to walk forward and go around the zoo.

As the day goes on, you and your boyfriend walk behind everyone and look at the animals and maybe take the occasional picture. During lunch, after accompanying some of the students to the bathroom, the teachers allow you to walk around the zoo for a bit telling you to be back in about 45 minutes, and in that time the two of you walk around for a bit and eat your sandwiches that the school gave you for being chaperons. After eating the sandwiches you come across the giraffe enclosure where you feed the baby giraffes for a bit before heading back to the group.

The rest of the day after lunch went the same as the morning except the kids are a bit calmer after just having lunch but still excited. The zoo staff who served as a tour guide for the day continues to lead everyone around the remaining parts of the zoo for another hour and a half before ending the tour back at the front gates.

After saying a quick goodbye to the staff, everyone gets back onto the busses and after another quick headcount, you all head back to the school. By the time the bus arrives at the school, most of the students have fallen asleep which has the teachers walk down the aisle of the bus and waking everyone up.

Once all of the students have cleared out and have all been picked up by their parents, the teacher who was supervising the field trip approaches you and your boyfriend who are standing near his car.

"Okay so today was a good day, thank you both for helping out today, knowing that there were more than enough people looking after all of the kids helped keep me calm." 

"It was no problem Miss. We both really enjoyed today anyway, and it was also sort of like a date." Your boyfriend laughs.

"Nonetheless, I will make sure to tell your homeroom teachers how much of a help you two were today." After that, the teacher leaves.

Turing to you, your boyfriend hugs you to him. "So did you enjoy today?"

"Yeah, today was fun. We should go to the zoo again." Smiling you peck his cheek then head into the car.

Once both of you are seated inside, your boyfriend once again faces you, smiling he grabs your hand and says.

"Definitely, but next time it's gonna be an actual date. Just the two of us."


Thank you to @1-800-Tammy for making the mood board up top that inspired this scene.

I really enjoyed writing this scene so I hope you lot enjoyed reading it.

For anyone who wants to send me mood boards or would like to suggest a scene please feel free to comment or if you want you can also dm me.


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