☁︎chapter 3☁︎

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yoongi pov

p a i n.
my head was in immense pain. it was as if my brain was trying to be yanked out of its skull by a pair of boiling hands. this was definitely not the time for a migrane. i sat in my studio, holding my head and curled up in my chair.
'ah wont you stop hurting!'
i hit my head with my hand multiple times, instantly regretting it as the pain only increased. i felt tears prick my eyes and the familiar floaty feeling grow in my chest.
'no no no you cant slip now yoongi, get yourself together' i angrily whispered to myself. but it was useless, i felt myself regressing and before i knew it i was sitting up with tears streaming steadily down my cheeks. i sniffed looking around the empty room.

'where flopsy?' i mumbled to myself, searching for my bunny. she was my only stuffie and my number one comfort item, along with my paci.
i stood up and waddled over to the box, hidden under my sofa. inside was flopsy, my blue paci, a blanket and 2 colouring books.

no-ones pov

yoongi immediately wrapped the blanket around himself and placed the pacifier in his small mouth. he sat on the floor, feeling hopeless and scared. why does his head hurt? why am i alone? how do i get the tv to play octonoots? octonoots was the littles name for his favourite show, the octonauts.
more tears came as he realised he had nothing to do and was quickly regressing deeper to a 1 year olds mindset. yoonie grabbed flopsy and held her close to his chest.
'flopsy chu m bestest fwiend?'
he made the toy nod her head and he giggled, glad to have her with him.
the boy completely abandoned the song he was supposed to be working on and continued playing with his bunny. making her jump around him and playing peek-a-boo.

he was too small and happy to check his phone to see the 20 angry messages from his hyung asking him to get home.

'flopsy i love chu so so much!' yoongi squealed, falling backwards and kicking his legs in the air.

knock knock

he froze. paci falling out his mouth.
the boy stood up quickly, hurridly packing away his gear and forcing himself to be big.
'uh huh jin hyung im coming! im just, uh, saving this song!'
yoongi looked around the room making sure everythinf was normal before he opened the door to see a very angry looking kim seokjin.
'finally! come on you look so tired, get back to the doorms and take a nice long sleep!'
jin grabbed yoongis had and somewhat gently dragged him back to the bangtan doorm room and into bed.

*author note*

fun fact i actually have a bunny called flopsy and call octonauts octonoots when im regressed!

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