☁︎chapter 6☁︎

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*yoongi pov*

i woke up suddenly, the memories from last night flushing to my head. i cringed and groaned in annoyance. why? why did i have to slip around hobi? great. now he thinks im a freak. a total weirdo. how am i meant to face him? oh god.

*no-ones pov*

hoseok stood in the kitchen, playing on his phone while jin was baking breakfast. he couldnt stop thinking about yoongi. is he ok? when is he coming out his room? he didnt want to pressure him or make him uncomfortable. he cared about him too much.
'hey hobi, hi jin,' namjoon walked into the kitchen, immediately being shood out by jin waggling a spoon at him.
namjoon rushed out with a slightly scared facial expression.
'tut typical' taehyung said, walking in next to jimin, they both looked a little flushed and happy, but no one said anything.
they all sat down to eat, giggling at jins cooking apron, and discussing comeback plans.

yoongi stood round the corner, just about hidden from view. he peaked through to see where everyone was. they all looked so happy. 'just go in there and sit down yoongi' he told himself, taking deep breathes and building up the courage. one step...

*yoongis pov*

i walked towards the table, no one looked at me, they just continued their conversation. ok ok phew its ok, just sit down i looked for the spare seat, to find it was next to hobi

oh shit

i grimaced and shuffled towards him. he stared at me smiling and pulled out the chair
'come and sit here yoongi!'
i awkwardly sat down, not really knowing what to say.
i felt a hand rest on my knee, looking up hobi hyung was eating, laughing at something jungkook said. i looked down and blushed. fuck him.
he gave it a little squeeze and whispered to meet him after breakfast.
oh god. oh no oh no oh no. whats he going to say? is he going to be mean? will he yell at me?
i shoved some bacon in my mouth, the food taking a while to get down to my stomach. this will be hell,,

*quick time skip*

*no-ones pov*

after everyone had finished eating they all left the table. yoongi tried to sneak off into his room but ofcourse hobi caught him
'uh no mister youre coming with me'
yoongi gulped and nodded, following his hyung into the room. whilst inside hoseok locked the door and sat on his bed.
'i- i can explain-'
yoongi stuttered, his lip quivering

'hey hey shh its okay, i know youre an age regressor, its fine, im fine with it'
hobi smiled, pulling the smaller boy into a hug and rubbing his head.

'how- how do you know-?'
yoongi spoke, pulling out the hug and looking up at his hyung with wide eyes

'a quick google search gave me all the info i needed'
he chuckled, yoongi nodded and looked down.

'so,,,youre okay with,,this?'
he asked hopefully

'yes, baby of course! it rlly helps you and gah its adorable!'
hobi booped his nose and giggled.

'oh i have a question yoongi,,'


'can i be your caregiver?'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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