Harry Sick

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This is a continuation of the last part, hope you enjoy!

Harry's POV: I woke up but kept my eyes shut, I felt kind of weird. It took me a minute to realise what was wrong, then it hit me, my head was pounding, my stomach doing summer saults and I was absolutely freezing. I finally opened my eyes and was confused when I felt a weight on my body then I remembered about Louis and how he had fallen asleep on me. I brought my head up from where it was resting on Louis and looked around the room. All three boys looked at me, concern evident on their faces, I was a bit confused but spoke anyway, "can somebody get me a blanket please? It's bloody freezing in here!" 

"Are you feeling alright mate?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, why?" I lied.

"We took your temperature while you were sleeping, so I'll ask again, how are you feeling Haz?" Zayn asked once again.

"Okay well," I paused to think about what I should say and decided not to worry them since Louis was already sick and I could take care of myself, "well, I said I was fine."

"Oh come on H, please just tell us how you are feeling." Liam said in a more stern tone.

"Fine," I sighed, "my head hurts a bit and my stomach is a bit queasy and I'm still freezing. Seriously, does anybody have a blanket?"

"Oh yeah sure, Niall could you grab Haz a blanket? Do you need anything else mate?" Liam said and Niall got up to get me a blanket.

"Medicine please." I said as Niall walked back in the room and covered me up with a fuzzy blanket, "and guys, I need you to promise me that you aren't going to tell Lou. If he thinks I'm sick he won't let me take care of him and he needs it."

"But H, you need to be taken care of as well." Liam said.

"I'll be fine, I just need some medicine and I'll be fine." I replied.

"Okay, fine, we won't tell but you have to promise that you'll let us know if you feel any worse." Zayn ordered and I just nodded in response but quickly stopped and grabbed my head as the movement made my headache worse. "Yeah, I'll go get you that medicine now." Zayn got up.

When he returned I took the medicine from him gratefully and tried to get comfy again. Not long after, Louis woke up from his slumber and I felt him cuddle into me, "how are you feeling boobear?" I asked him.

"I'm actually feeling a bit better, what time is it?" He asked giggling at the nickname.

"It's like 10pm Lou." Niall said looking at the time on his phone.

"Oh jeez, I've been out like all day. Well in that case do you guys mind if I just go to bed for the night?" Louis asked looking around the room. We all said goodnight to him as he walked to his bedroom. I was kind of glad that Louis went to bed because it meant that I didn't have to pretend I was feeling good when I really was feeling the opposite, since I had woken up I started to feel worse and worse.

My thoughts were interrupted by a tickle in the back of my throat which of course with my luck, led to cough, after cough, after cough. I was coughing for five minutes before it stopped. I had the other three boys around me and Liam was holding out a water bottle for me which I happily took.

After I drank some water I felt the all too familiar feeling of bile rising up my throat. It was all happening too fast and before I could even stand from the sofa, the contents of my stomach were spilling up out of my mouth all over myself and the luckily hardwood floor.

"Oh Hazza," I heard Liam say, "do you think your done?"

"For now." I said and looked at the mess I made, "guys I'm so so sorry." I said with tears in my eyes.

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