Home Sweet Home

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We had to pass a wooden draw bridge that looked as though it could collapse at any moment . . . Xavier had to hold my hand as we crossed despite being off-balanced himself. There were sharp rocks on either sides of the dark abyss below us, welcoming us to fall into them.

But we didn't. We safely reach the other side of the mountain, and Xavier immediately let's go of my hand as we breathlessly approach the Palace. Two stone gargoyles with bright red eyes guard the double doored entrance, enchanted so only those who were invited may enter.

An annoyed looking blonde beauty opens the double doored entrance for the both of us. She's wearing a long-sleeve black dress and a black pair of leggings. The girl's pale blue eyes held accusations and narrow as she looks back and forth between the two of us, as if she knew something that we didn't. "Persephone is not a patient woman. You of all people should know this, Xavier."

Xavier gestures me inside first and follows behind me. "Welcome to your new home Princess."

"Temporary home," The blonde corrects. "My name is Angelique. Xavier and I are both Hades most trusted and personal servants. He expects the both of us to serve all of you as best we can, getting you whatever your little heart may desire."

The inside of the palace is just as dark and daunting as the outside. This place could seriously use a redesign... Shadows bounce and linger in the corners where they shouldn't. The black marble floors are so polished that I could see my own vain reflection staring back at me as we walk.

There are dim torches along the walls, an eerie orange light flickering. The foyer opened up into a large cathedral-like area that branches off to an intricately designed wooden stairwell, two different corridors branching off in either directions. The ceiling is high and stained colorful glass. "Wow," I look around everywhere. "It's beautiful here."

"Beauty is rare here but captured well." Xavier's words will linger with me long after she's said them.

We walk up the curved stairwell and move towards the left corridor. It's slightly brighter here with dungeon-like doors. Photos of a regal looking woman and a dangerous man in golden-black frames take up most of the corridor. Different men with arrogant gazes and women with submission in their innocent eyes line the corridor.

I'm led through a series of confusing turns before we arrive at a set of light pink double-doors. Two male servants with pale skin and serious expressions are on either ends of the door, dressed in the same identical tailored suits as Xavier. Unlike Angelique and Xavier, neither of them speak or move or acknowledge our presence in anyway.

Angelique knocks three times on the doors; a secret knock that - after a few moments - the doors creak open to allow us inside.

We enter into a wonderful room full of pink and sleek color. There's a fire being tended to in a magnificent fireplace, and warmth is everywhere here. The walls are a deep gray and there's a photograph of a very regal looking couple above the fireplace. There are two leather couches opposite each other, a glass coffee table between them. A rounded bar was on the far side of the room, filled with labelles bottles of wine and liquor. There's soft music floating through the room and five other girls that are standing straight and tall in front of the sofa. There are five male servants along the wall by the fireplace.

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