Library Fights

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We're giggling like school girls as we make our way out of the bash. Something in the back of my mind whispers that this is dangerous; everyone is staring even though everything is still a little blurry. I don't know where we're going, and I don't care. I hope that he leads me back to his bedroom.

           Instead, Xavier leads me towards a side entrance near the library. “We have to be quiet,” he drunkenly slurs. “I want you to see this for yourself, so at least you can have your own kind of blackmail to use against Jasmine. They've been coming here everyday for the past month. Shhh.” Xavier slowly opens the side door, allowing me to slide inside first before following after me.

           Xavier quietly closes the door behind him, trying not to even make a sound.

           He takes my hand, guiding me behind a large stack behind the romance section.

          That's when I hear their voices: Jasmine and Oscar.

           They're on the second floor. I see them illuminated by faint candles, bouncing strangely off the darkness. The second floor holds no stacks but instead: round study tables and various other study supplies. Xavier holds me closer and we duck down. He's so distracting.

            “I brought this straight from Columbia,” Oscar brags, breaking his white substance into four lines with a small pocket knife. “Adventures in the land of the living, soon perhaps to include my beautiful new friend . . . ” His eyes hold lust and Jasmine being so close to Oscar has me filled with questions and curiosity. “I'm sure you'd love to see the sun again with me by your side.” he swears quietly, moving aside as he allows Jasmine her line of choice. “Are you sure you can handle this?”

           Her lips hesitate just inches from his. “I can handle everything.”

            When their lips touch, I want to look away. Xavier does, his fingers tracing a line on the small of my back. She tried to blackmail me. She tried to fucking blackmail me, and Jasmine is shagging one of the Prince's best mates.

            How could she do this? How could I?

            “Prove it.” Oscar growls when their hungry kiss seperates.

             Jasmine snorts the white powder, and she happily cries out in excitement as she stands up. “Come on baby, show me what you're made of.”

            It was Oscar's turn now. He snorts the powder faster than Jasmine has, jumping up on the table and pounding on his chest like a gorilla and making Jasmine giggle with laughter. “I would have been a great King,” Oscar said, sitting down on the table with Jasmine coming to stand between his legs. “With you beside me as my Queen.”

            “I can still be your Queen yet,” Jasmine produces a small vial with glowing orange-yellow contents. “Knox said that it was powerful enough to numb and destroy even the Gods.”

           “It's too dangerous — ”

            “Do you want me as your Queen, or would you rather see me by Castiel's side instead?” Jasmine is just seducing him to get what she wants. She holds up the vial.

           Oscar accepts the vial from Jasmine, staring down at it's fiery contents. “I suppose a sliver of it could just slip into their morning pumpkin juice.” he says. “The Underworld needs a Queen like you.”

          Jasmine begins to kiss him hungrily, slowly crawling on top of him as they lay down on top of the table.

         “We should go — ” I whisper.

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