More Secrets

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Convincing Xavier to steal me drachmas from the throne room was difficult.

"Please," I beg. "Your mother gave me permission herself!" I try to keep my voice low. "I told you, I saw her that night in their office. She was astral projecting, she said it was like a dream within a dream. She said that she needed me to steal some drachmas, and get into her office because there's a phone. I can get water from the river lethe, you just have to sneak me a canister from the kitchen."

It was before dawn and Xavier was slowly getting ready for kitchen duty. "Do you know what Jasmine had me doing while you were gone?" He looks away, unable to meet my waiting gaze until he spoke again. "Every day she made me fight for meals, for the right to sleep in your room and for life here in the palace. If I didn't or if I gave her back talk in anyway, she'd shock me or threaten to have the guards do nasty things to you in the dungeons. There are guards and people in the Infirmary because of what I've done. I have more enemies here than you might know, lurking around every corner. I can't do things like that anymore. If we want this done, you'll have to show Anna your death file. Remember . . . " he's frustrated with his tie.

"The enemy of the enemy is my friend." I whisper and shake my head. "Jasmine made you fight," I could feel the tears burning my eyes. "How could she do something like that?" I come over towards him, pretending like this is just a normal morning, knowing that it could never be just a normal morning. I help him with his tie.

His bruised knuckles hesitate and linger against either sides of my waist. I hate hear the way his breath shakes. "It was purely for their entertainment. I made sure I never showed any emotion in front of them while you were gone, and it was hard being here alone. I'm so happy you're back, and I don't want to risk losing you again."

I didn't want to point out that the marriage was soon looming over us, but I look up slowly until my eyes meet his. "You won't, and you won't be fighting again."

"You can't promise me that," Xavier says. "Everyone was right about me, Ariel. I am not a kind person. You shouldn't want to be with me . . . Jasmine and Oscar will use us against each other until one of us is fried or sent away, and I can't watch them do that to you. Until this is over, we shouldn't give them a reaction. I could go back to staying in my room, and - "

I immediately back away. "A-are you breaking up with me?"

"No, but we do have to lay low for a little while. Okay? Just until this is all over."

"Then help me. Sneak a canister or get Anna here . . . Something, Xavier. We can't all just wait around for her to self destruct."

"I know my dulce, if I have to I'll drag Anna out by her hair after shift is over. We need someone on our side, even if it's her. I love you."

"I love you, too. Just promise you'll be here after kitchen duty. Jasmine could send you off in the middle of the night and I couldn't do anything to help you or know where you're going or - "

"I'll be here. I love you and please be careful." Xavier brings me in closer for an embrace, kissing my forehead then leaning down to touch my lips to his. I want to remember the taste of his lips, no matter what.

I watch him as he goes, wondering why he's on kitchen duty and what Castiel has been put through since I've been gone and what exactly Harley has been up to. How did she still have seat at Jasmine's table last night? With so many questions and no way to answer them, nervousness churns beneath my bones and all I want to do is crawl back under our warm blankets and go back to bed.

I'd rather lick the floor clean than face Jasmine without Xavier. Facing her alone is hard to think about. She has everyone in her lane - competitors, Oscar, Anna and soon Castiel too. Why hasn't Castiel gotten any better since he'd been stabbed? And why was he put in the dungeons with me? There are so many questions, and without anyone to help me, getting into Persephone's office will be difficult.

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