10: Bing Bang Dead

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By the end of the day, my neck and my back were aching. I was so tired, I could collapse as soon as I fell asleep. I hadn't only been working to help prepare the wedding, my tasks consisted of other things as well: to help prepare the coronation that follows.

My new room was much smaller, much like Xavier's. Pale gold walls and a normal setting. Servants clothes were in the closet. But right now, I couldn't care less.

I collapse on the bed, on top of my covers with my clothes on, and am letting my eyes drift close when there's a knock on my door. At first, I couldn't hear it. And then, it gets more insistent. "Coming!" I mutter groggily. "Coming."

I practically roll out of bed, and slip the door open a crack. "Hello?"

Three strangers barge into my room. They're all servants. Two boys still in their suits and a girl still in her black dress. The first boy brandishes a knife. His eyes are wide, green and feral. His hair stands up every which way, and there's dirt on his face. "So you're one of Castiel's heirs. You're the girl Xavier has been so infatuated with."

I narrow my eyes at this unfamiliar boy. At the knife he's holding. "And who the hell are you three?"

"Who I am isn't important."

The girl frowns. "That's Dex," she introduces him. She must be kitchen staff. She's wearing an apron, and her face is slightly chubby. Her hair is shoulder length and choppy blonde. "I'm Callie." And she points to the third boy.

He's taller than all three of them. His eyes are dark and foreboding. His scowl deepens his features, making him look older. "And that bloke is Gunner."

"Callie, shut up." Dex hisses.

"She has a right to know who she's dealing with." Callie demands.

Gunner rolls his eyes, as if their banter is an everyday thing. He sighs. "Dex, I swear if you don't shut up, I'll stab you with that knife myself." And they both became quiet. "My apologies for their idiotic tendencies, Ariel." He sighs again. "You are the girl that set this in motion, aren't you? You're the reason why Jasmine is in charge."

They broke into my room to make accusations? I glare. "I was doing it to protect Xavier. Castiel should have made his choice when he had the chance. Harley at least deserved him."

I don't.

"That's why we're here to see you." Dex says. "We know where the portal is, Ariel. You could help us set things right."

I stare. Why the hell should I trust these three? I look at each of them. From Callie to Dex to Gunner. I cross my arms over my chest. "You know where the portal is." I say. It's not a question. "Why can't you three go through yourselves? Why do you need me? Why should I trust you?"

"Good question." Gunner nods. "Three strangers in your room in the middle of the night. The night before your crush is getting married. Here we are, offering you a way out. I don't blame you for being a bit skeptical."


"Everything you will ever need in the human world is in this backpack. Everything that will help you find Harley, and being her back." Gunner says, reaching for the navy green bag he's been carrying.

"But I want to save him." I demanded. "How do you even know that Harley is even alive?"

Callie narrows her eyes at me. "We just know. Alright?" She demands. "If you really want to save him, Ariel, you'll go to the human world. Jasmine just might postpone their wedding."

"There's no way you could - " I began.

Dex shook his head. The knife has long since been lowered. "No. Don't even think about it. Castiel's room is guarded. We couldn't get to him even if we wanted to. He'll be fine, Ariel. That wretch needs him. For now at least." He gestures to the door. "Shall we go? Before the monitors come along to check our rooms?"

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