Sticks and Stones

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They say that sticks and stones may brake your bones, but words can never hurt you.

But what if you'd rather have broken bones than having to deal with the pain that these people cause upon you?

What if broken bones would be nothing compared to the heartache that the these people cause upon you?

What if the words get under your skin and they eat you from the inside out?

What if they come from your computer screen, and the words cut through your eyes and straight to your heart?

What if broken bones would be like sitting on a cloud compared to the words that people say?

Broken bones is a small price to pay when people can be more cruel than broken bones.

These people laugh in the face of broken bones.

They are jokes compared the words that these people say.

They say that sticks and stones may brake your bones but words can never hurt you.

But what if the words hurt more than broken bones?

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