Chapter fifteen

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Harry's POV

Louis was acting very strange. Harry just wanted to know what was going on with Louis. He was hoping that Louis wasn't mad about the kiss. Louis said that he was fine, but he was clearly lying. Harry was worried about him. Louis didn't look good at all. He looked as though he would collapse at any moment. His smile was fake, and he looked like a ghost. He looked devoid of all life.

After His brief encounter with Louis, he was even more worried. Louis had looked so happy all the time, but in that moment he looked broken. The pome that Louis wrote showed he was in anguish and clearly was hurting. No one but Harry saw that Louis was not okay.

Harry spent the next two hours thinking of a way to figure out what was wrong with Louis. He needed to break down his walls so that Louis would let him in. He devised a plan that he would execute at lunch. It wasn't the best plan, but it was all he could come up with on the fly. Harry knew that Louis hung around with Niall, Liam, and Zayn so he would have to go talk to them. He hoped that they too would notice that Louis was off.

After third period he rushed to the lunchroom. Usually, Harry would go find his friends Nick and Ed, but he needed to talk to Louis' friends. He spotted Niall and Zayn sitting at their usual table. Luckily Louis wasn't there yet. Harry walked over at sat down across from Zayn and Niall. They were deep in a conversation but looked at Harry when he sat down. They had a disgusted look on their face like they hated Harry.

"What are you doing here" Niall asked.

"Um do you know where Louis is" Harry asked.

"He's with Liam their class is far away. But that is none of your concern" Zayn said.

"I'm worried about him. He seems off and he yelled at me today" Harry said.

"Yeah, maybe he yelled at you because you are a dick to him Harry" Niall said.

Harry looked down. He knew that he treated Louis wrong in the past and he felt absolutely terrible.

"You punched him in the face Harry and kicked him" Niall yelled.

"And I feel terrible about that" Harry rebutted.

"Oh, and that fixes everything did you even tell him that" Zayn said angrily.

"But I-" Harry started before being cut off by Zayn.

"But nothing you can't treat Louis like shit, and then say you feel bad. That fixes nothing Harry, nothing" Zayn said.

"Fine think what you will of me, but something is wrong. He was happy last week and now he isn't. He thinks that I didn't see him breaking down in the bathroom, but I did" Harry said.

"I did notice he was off in math. He didn't even make one joke" Niall said.

"I don't care what you think of me just please figure out what's wrong with him" Harry pleaded.

"We will. We care about him. You have to stop being mean to him Harry, or I swear I'll kick your ass" Zayn said.

"I will, I swear. Thank you. Bye guys" Harry said before walking away.

He went back to his own table and sat down. Immediately swarms of girls surrounded him. They all just wanted sex. That's all they ever wanted. He had slept with almost every girl in school he was used to it by now. He tried to trick himself into loving each girl, but it never worked. He just felt numb inside. He didn't want them anymore, he wanted Louis.

Nick and Ed came and sat down on either side of him. They looked at him confused.

"What's wrong with you Harry" Ed asked.

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