Chapter one

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Louis POV ( I don't know if it's always going to be in his view if it changes I will tell you).

Louis was asleep dreaming of his mother and siblings when they were happy and together. His mother had died just three weeks ago. His siblings went to live with their step father, while Louis was sent to live with his birth father Troy. Ever since he walked into his father's home he has been in hell.

Louis was startled awake by the sound of pounding on his bedroom door. He groaned and rolled over. His memories hit him again reminding him where he was. He couldn't bear to get out of bed after what happened to him last night.

His father came home drunk like he always was and yelled at Louis and beat him senseless. Louis had no clue why the world was so cruel to him. First his mother died, now he has to live with his good for nothing father.

The sound of the banging started to give him a headache, causing him to groan again. Suddenly the door was broken open and a tall figure with a angry face stood in the door way.
It was his father.

"I said get the fuck up you good for nothing little twat" his father yelled.

Louis bolted up muttering a string of sorry's. He looked at the floor too afraid to meet his father's eyes.

" What did I tell you about looking at me when I speak to you" his father sneered.

He looked up timidly, his bright blue eyes meeting his fathers cold dark eyes. He immediately felt a cold shiver run across his small body as he looked at his father.

" Sorry dad" he said timidly.

"Don't ever call me your dad. You call me sir. I never wanted you in the first place" his father spat.

"Sorry sir" he said meekly.

Louis father pushed him against the wall and punched him in the stomach five times. After five blows to the stomach Louis was winded and coughing up blood onto the floor.

"You have fifteen minutes to get ready for school. Don't be late or else I will have to punish you again" his father sneered. As he turned on his heal to walk away he yelled " And clean your fucking blood off the God damn floor".

Louis could feel his eyes prickling with tears but willed himself not to cry. Instead he ran to his bathroom, and grabbed a towel and soaked it in cold water. He went back to his bedroom and started to wipe up his blood from the floor. The sight of which made him cringe.

After whipping up the puddle of blood up, he threw the towel into the laundry bin. He quickly went to the bathroom to shower. He turned the shower hot so that it would feel better on his aching body. He showered as quickly as possible. He could not be late, he didn't want to be beaten again or worse.

After hopping out of the shower he quickly assessed his injuries. He could see that new bruises were starting to form. They were just more to add to the collection of bruises and wounds that littered his back and chest. His father had always been careful to hurt him where he could easily cover it up, in order to avoid suspicion.

Louis ran into his bedroom and quickly selected the clothes he would wear. He wanted to look nice, because today was his first day of school at Holmes Chapel High school, but did not want to stand out. He decided to wear black skinny jeans with a nice black t shirt, and of course he wore his signature black vans. He then quickly styled his brown hair into a neat quiff. He looked pretty nice he thought. Louis grabbed his backpack and rushed down the stairs to the kitchen.

He opened the pantry and grabbed a box of chocolate puffs and poured them into his bowl. He grabbed the milk and was about to pour it into the cereal when his father walked into the kitchen.

"What do you think you are doing you fucking idiot" his father yelled agitated.

" I'm just having breakfast Sir" he said whilst cowering in fear.

Suddenly he was pinned against the wall again. His father grabbed a glass plate and shattered it on top of his head. He though for sure that his head was bleeding but was too scared to check.

"You don't eat my food. You already are a fat fuck as it is" his father screamed.

Louis felt the pang  in his heart. He was already insecure about his body, and his father reminded him again about how inadequate he was. In this moment Louis vowed to himself that he would get skinny no matter what it takes.

"Sorry Sir" he mumbled.

His father let him go finally. but not before pushing into the wall again. This caused Louis head to throb even more than it had been before.

" Put this all away and meet me in the damn car. You have two minutes you twat".

Once his father left he brought a hand to his head to see if there was any blood. Thankfully there was no blood. He quickly ran around the kitchen cleaning up. Then he grabbed his backpack and ran to his fathers car.

He slipped into the passenger seat, because his father said only children sat in the back. And he was not a child, his father made sure of that.

They drove in uncomfortable silence for what seemed like forever, until they finally reached the school. Louis felt a bit of a bit of panic rush over him but quickly tried to conceal it. He was nervous about starting at a new school in the middle of October, but would not let his father know that.

" Go to the office and pick up your schedule. Don't do anything stupid or say anything about home. If you do you will have to get punished, and you wouldn't want that would you" he sneered staring at Louis with a menacing smile.

This caused Louis to shift in his seat and avert his eyes to the floor.

"No, no I wouldn't. I will be be good I promise"
He said. He turned to open the car door but decided to stop and ask "can I have money for lunch".

Louis cowered as a angry look flashed on to his fathers face.

"No you fat fuck. Why would I spend my money on you. You don't need food anyways you are fat enough" his father spat.

Louis stayed silent and took a deep breath, then turned and opened the car door. He stepped out of the car and started to the school. He quickly plastered on a fake smile to hide his true hidden emotions.

I hope you liked the first chapter please give me your feedback🖤

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