"Oh no-"

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3rd Pov: \

The bird sings, blue sky, beautiful weather.
It was indeed a wonderful saturday morning.
So wonderful, like today was gonna be a good da-
Never mind.
What's the ruckus you may ask? Well, it's just another normal day at the Dekusquad household.
Yeah you heard that right.
Getting a special permission from the one and only Rat god, Nezu, they got to stay in an abandon little house. But on one condition. They can't tell this to anybody. Why, you ask? Well the other squads are gonna think it's unfair and teachers and staff don't want to deal with them.
The house is made out of wood. It used to be a little teacher room. But since they decide to move the teacher room inside instead, they just simply abandon the empty house.
And since Izuku overheard about that, being the smart ass he is, got a genius idea.
He decided to check that shit out and claim his property.
And you know the rest of the story.
N E waysss, back to the household.

"WELL IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT YOU WON'T WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" Iida yelled at Izuku, who seems to be grumpy.
"YOU COULD AT LEAST WAKE ME UP NICELY" He said and gritted his teeth.
"DON'T YOU THINK THAT'S WHAT I TRIED TO DO?!" Iida shot back and smile annoyingly at Izuku.
"Oi! Shut up!" Said a very tired looking Shinsou as he step out of his bedroom.
Yeah Shinsou is in the squad.
The two only ignored Shinsou and continue to argue.
"Uuugghhhh..." Ochako sigh tiredly and bang her head on the dining table a couple time.
"Just shut up already..." Ochako said, glaring at the two boys.
The two boys glare at each other before Izuku slap Iida and run away.
"OH YOU LITTLE-" Iida then chase Izuku around the house.
Yep, just a normal day.
"Shoto, shouldn't you be handling your boyfriend, kero?" Tsu ask, plopping down next to her girlfriend.
"...Nah, I enjoy the chaos" Shoto say, giving them a thumbs up.
They both shake their head and chat.

"WhO iN tHe HelL pUt tHA MuFfIn IN tHe FrEEzA?!" Screech Mineta sadly
"I did. What you gonna do about it? Nothing👁👄👁" Shinsou say and grab the muffin, eating it.
Mineta Anime cry and being a dramatic bitch.
"SOMEONE STOLE MAH WEED" Izuku suddenly yelled and cried.
"WHO STOLE MAH WEED?!" Izuku angrily stomp to the living room.

Deku: "Alright, let's play the game. Who stole the drug?"
Shoto: "It wasn't me"
Ochako: "Wasn't me"
Tsu: "It's that Bitch"
Iida: "PiNk fAIrY bItChEs eVeRywHErE!'
Yeah alright I'm gonna fucking lost my nonexistence brain cells to those idiots.
Why don't I just got to the fucking point?

"Yeah so I grab him-" Iida got cut off by a blinding light. "Wtf-"

<5 mins later>

Izuku groan as he rub his eye. 'Tf just happened?' Izuku thought as he looks around, realizing that he is in a theater.
With pro heroes and LOV.
"Oh ma Asahi-" He said and try to shake Todoroki awake.
But Todoroki sleep like a dead bitch.
Getting tired of this, he slowly raise his hand up and-
Ochako got awake by the noise and look around. "Who tf kill someone in the living room?-" She ask and rub her eyes.
Izuku quickly cover her mouth with his right hand and hush her.

But being lil bitch she is, she give his hand a B I G lick. "Did you just lick my hand?" Izuku state. Ochako just give him a smug face and nod.
But just their luck, our Dancing Alien Queen, Mina, just happened to see that.
Ochako and Deku looks at each other, mentally cringe but put on the oh, so innocent act.
"W-w-what?! EEEH?!" Deku said, making his face go red cuz that bitch a damn actor.
"M-me and Deku?!" Ochako ask, hiding her face.
Mine just fangirl more and bounce up and down on her seat. Soon the others were awake.
They start to panic a little, but the panic start to grow as they spot the villains/heros.
Got to the fighting position, they glare at the opposite side.
As one of them was about to throw hand, a voice echoed through the room
"Ayo n0-" the voice said. "Who's there?" All might ask, looking around.
Then soon enough, at the stage, a person step out.
He have black purple-ish hair, horns and a demon tail.
He start to float and watch every of their movement.

He start to float and watch every of their movement

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Deku POV:\

"Who are you?" Aizawa ask.
"I'm spiderman- I mean I am Aleksandr the third. But call me Alek" the person, now announce as Alek, say.
"Why are we here?" Ask All Might.
"Y'all are here to watch, or I could say React, to our one and only Izuku Midoriya. And his murder squad." Alek state, and motion his hand to me.
"Why-" Iida got cut off by Alek saying "No more questions, I'm bored-" Alek then got cut off by someone saying
"How mean of you, forgetting me!" The voice said.
Everyone was in shock as they hear the voice. Me too.
The..voice... sounds like me. But somehow more crazier.
And then, the person skip on the stage happily. There he stood.
"Holy shit!?" I yelled, looking at ... me?
Idk, but he seems more badass! He have that crazy look in his eyes, just like Toga.

 me?Idk, but he seems more badass! He have that crazy look in his eyes, just like Toga

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"Omg I'm simping-" Toga say and clutch her heart.
Tbh same.
Shoto just have a confuse face on.
Many just is as shock.

Alek sigh and clap his hands, suddenly, we got place to some seat with snacks on our laps.
Then two doors appear on both side, the left says "men's Restroom" and the right said "women's restroom".
I look to my right and surprise to see the crazy version me next to me.
He just give me a big goofy grin and start to say whatever that comes to his mind.
Everyone is looking at us weirdly but they soon ignored us.

"Silence! It starting!" Alek shouted and sat on Villain Deku head chair thingy.
Like he have his ass on the head of the chair and his leg is dangling on V. Dekus shoulder. He doesn't seems to mind tho.
Everyone is silence as the screen start to load.

L o a d i n g . . .
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_. ! D E K U V E R S E F O U N D ! ._
S t a r t i n g   t h e  p r o g r e s s . . .

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