Chapter Three

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Dean and Castiel arrived at the hospital ten minutes later. Dean threw a protective arm across Cas' chest as he slammed on the brakes outside the entrance of the hospital. He sprinted out of the car to the passenger side and opened the door. He hooked Cas' arm around his neck and pulled him out of the car. He tried to ignore the sickening way Cas' head rolled lifelessly between his shoulders as he dragged him to the hospital's entrance. They burst through the doors, catching the attention of the receptionist and several people sitting in the lobby. Dean was blinded by the bright lights but ignored the spots that floated by his eyes. "We need some help here!" Dean yelled. The receptionist quickly dialed the phone on her desk and after a few seconds of hushed conversation she hung up. Soon several doctors and nurses came running into the lobby with a stretcher. Bystanders gawked at the two strange, large men covered in blood, paint, and dirt, and they continued to stare as the unconscious one was placed on to the stretcher and raced to the emergency room.

"Sir, you're going to have to stay here an -" "No, I have to see him! I have to make sure he's ok!" Dean shouted over the doctor. "Sir, I understand your concern but you can't be in -" "Is he gonna be ok?!" Dean shouted, further frightening the bystanders. "We don't know yet, now let us do our job and we'll see if we can help your friend." The doctor stated, trying to keep his tone professional. Dean stared the doctor down until he finally turned around to find a seat. He was too worried to notice the bystanders' whispers and nervous glances. He trudged to the nearest isolated seat, fatigue finally hitting him, and sat down. He put his head into his hands and sighed. "What am I gonna do?" He mumbled. He leaned back in his seat and took out his phone. As he did this, the few people left in the lobby silently moved to seats further away from him.

He scrolled through his contacts and selected 'Sam.' Ring... "Come on, Sam, pick up!" Ring... Ring... Ring... "Hello?" "Oh, Sammy, finally! Thank God." "Oh hey Dean. So how did the hunt go?" "Sam you gotta get down here. I'm at Lake Drive Medical Center." Dean forced his voice to stay straight. "Wait, what? What happened?" "It's Cas, Sammy. He's hurt real bad." His voice faltered. "Can you just hurry down here?" "Yeah, ok. I'll be there as fast as I can." They both hung up. Dean put his phone back into his pocket and started to look around. The receptionist was staring intently at him while speaking on the phone. A blonde with a round, chubby face and large frame. Her hair was held up in a ponytail with bangs. She hung up the phone and slowly got up and walked toward Dean with a clipboard and pen in her hands.

"Sir... you're going to have to fill this out," She said slowly, hesitant to shorten the distance between them, she handed Dean the clipboard and pen. Dean, too distracted to care, snatched the items from the nervous woman and muttered a forced "Thanks." The receptionist timidly speed walked back to her desk and sat down with a sigh. Dean stared blankly at the paper, unable to comprehend the jumble of letters, his vision being blurred by images of Castiel on the operating table, surrounded by buzzing doctors all shifting back and forth to supplies and to recheck the endless machines he's probably hooked up to...

Dean snapped back to reality and forced himself to focus on the paper while blinking away any trace of emotion from his eyes. (First Name) (Castiel) (Last Name) Dean hesitated on the answer. What was he supposed to put? Christ? (Last Name) (Winchester) (Reason to be here) (Deep cut from blade) (Relation to patient) "Dean?" Dean whipped his head up and his eyes met Sam's. "What the hell happened to you?" Sam shifted on his crutches. Dean looked down at himself and realized what Sam meant. He was covered in dirt, paint, and blood, most of it being Castiel's. "Uh... The vamps decided to nest in an old art storage warehouse." He forced a smile but it quickly faded. "I see... So what happened to Cas?" Sam layed his crutches on the chair next to Dean and sat in the one beside it, grunting as he tried to get into his seat gingerly but failing. "A vamp... she sliced his stoma-..." Dean choked. "She cut him deep, Sammy." He shifted his gaze back to the paper. "Well, is he gonna be ok?" Sam tried to look Dean in the face but he continued to stare hard at the clipboard. "... I don't know."

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