Chapter Ten

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Cas laid there for several more minutes before he attempted to get up again. The wound still throbbed and and stung like vibrating pins and needles, but it was much less intense now. Whatever the nurse had done, it helped immensely. He slowly and carefully removed the needle from his arm and unhooked the tubing from under his nose and on top of his ears. He slid off the bed, surprised by how weak his legs felt, and nearly toppled over. He groaned from the pain but immediately bottled it, biting fiercely down on his lip, almost drawing blood. He gasped as he slowly straightened his posture and limped over to his clothes, which were tucked neatly by his bed. He tried to control his breathing as he leaned over and quickly grabbed them, trying to put the least amount of pressure on his stomach. He stripped from his hospital gown and pulled his clothes on, grunting and wheezing through the pain, ignoring the dried blood that now stiffened his shirt and some of his pants. He threw on his trenchcoat and limped to the door, using the wall for support. He looked through the small window before opening the door, his arm almost giving in in the process, and entered the vacant hallway.

He looked to the right and saw a dead end. He looked to the left, seeing that the hallway was still clear, and started heading right. He gasped and winced with each step, his hand holding the gauze covered wound. Every now and then he had to stop to catch his breath, and allow the searing pain to die down slightly. He continued his shuffle to the end of the hallway, until his knees finally buckled and he fell against the wall. He cried out in pain but quickly but his lip down as tears streamed down his face. He felt around the wall he was still leaned against until his hand finally fell on to the cold metal of the emergency exit door handle. He pushed through it and stumbled out the door.

(/Sam/) (/Sam/) Sam's head rolled back and forth. "Sam!" Dean yelled again. He shook his shoulders back and forth. Sam bolted up, slamming his head against Dean's. They most recoiled, holding the part of their skulls that made contact. "Jesus, Sammy!" Dean shouted, rubbing his forehead. "Ow!" Sam exclaimed, his eyes stinging along with his head as they adjusted to the sudden light. "Dean, what the hell?" Sam groaned. "Come on, Sammy, we gotta go," Dean said, taking his hand off his head and quickly rising. "What? Why? What about Cas?" Sam sat up. "It is Cas... he's gone." "What?!" "Yeah, I don't know how but he's just... gone," Dean masked the distress in his voice. "So, come on, get up. We're gonna go look for him." Sam looked at the clock that hung over (... Grey? Garry?) the receptionist's desk. (5:21 a.m.) He quickly grabbed his crutches and hopped out of his chair on his left leg once he saw that Dean was already halfway through the door. "Will you wait?!" Sam shouted at Dean, the door already closing behind him, as he struggled to get the crutches under his arms.

Dean and Castiel Go on a HuntWhere stories live. Discover now