Chapter Four

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Sam and Dean sat silently, both staring blankly at the floor. Dean focused his attention back on to the papers and started to scribble feverishly on to its lines. Sam swallowed hard and sat back. He looked around at the lobby, it's walls painted a dusty white, half-covered in teal tiles. His heart was still thudding from how fast he had to limp down the street on his crutches to hail a taxi. And him almost falling out the taxi door after throwing his money to the driver outside the hospital. But his heart only continued to thunder after Dean's words: "I don't know." Sam then looked at his brother, his hair sticking up at random ends while the rest was matted down by black and red paint. His forehead still glistening with fresh sweat. As he stayed hunched over the clipboard, pen still equipped, Sam couldn't help but notice his face covered in scratches, one standing out that started near his left eye and ended by his mouth. Sam continued to stare with a look of fear and bewilderment as Dean's head rose and his eyes met his. Dean's mouth started to move but Sam couldn't hear anything.

"What?" Sam said, coming back to reality, pushing down the images of Cas injured beyond repair. "I said, 'How's your leg?'" Dean muttered, his face hard. "Oh," Sam exclaimed, touching his right leg, "i-it's fine." "Good," Dean nodded. His eyes glistened under the bright lights of the lobby, though his face was hard Sam could tell he was fighting back tears. "I'm so stupid, Sammy, I -" Dean started to say, his voice weakening, "... I should've known he wasn't ready. We shouldn't have tried to attack them at night I- " Sam watched in shock as his brother began to break down and attempt to recollect himself. "Dean, it's ok. It's not your fault. Look those vamps were tricky, if you didn't get them tonight you would've lost them in another one of their migrations! He's gonna be fine. Cas has taken on a lot worse before." Sam didn't understand why Dean was suddenly so weak, even unable to keep himself calm in front of him. "Dean are you ok?" Dean, with his elbows now resting on his knees, looked up from the floor and returned his brother's gaze. "I'm fine, Sammy. Cas is the one we should be worried about." Sam continued to look into Dean's eyes, looking for some type of reassurance. "Dean, he'll pull through. I mean he always has!..." Sam forced a chuckle. Dean was unresponsive.

Sam gave a tired sigh and leaned back in his chair. He allowed his calm mask to fall slightly and revealed his worrisome glare. Dean fiddled with the pen between his fingers for a few moments before slowly getting up, clipboard and pen still at hand. He slowly walked over to the receptionist's desk, much to the fear of her. "I, uh, filled it out." Dean said, distantly. He slid the papers to her and the receptionist reached for them only when he took his hand off the desk. "Well... thank you, Mr... Novak," she said with a hesitant smile. "Sure... Natalie," Dean replied, reading the woman's name tag. He was just about to walk back to his seat when Natalie asked, "Sir, are you alright?" He turned back to her, "I'm fine." He gave her a warm, reassuring smile. "Are you sure? You look pretty beaten up." "Yes... I'm sure." "Do you want me to contact the police?... I'm sure there's an interesting story behind all this," she said with a weak smile. "No," Dean said gravely, "Everything is fine." Natalie swallowed and nodded lightly, trying to hide her returning fear of the strange man.

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