seek (2)

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"Alucard what bullshit are you trying to feed me?" Sir Hellsing demanded.

"My Master, it is a weak female vampire with unusual abilities. She has a heartbeat unless she doesn't want to be found. She doesn't have to breathe obviously, and it smelled of whiskey which means she can consume human food to pass as a human..."

"How do you know for sure she is not human?" Sir Hellsing lit a cigar.

"She is inhumanly beautiful as if she was born never human to begin with...her body is that of a seventeen or eighteen years old but real age of at least over a hundred by her fashion sense and her way of carrying herself," the male vampire subconsciously licks his lips.

"She needs to be destroyed with extreme prejudice. That's an order, do you hear me Alucard." Sir Integra commanded.

"Hmm..." Alucard purred as he rested his head on his hand with crossed legs. "She could be of use to the organization or at least to study her. She is not of my blood that is for sure...her eyes glow blue."

"So you made your point on capture and study for now..."

Alucard stood then chuckled, "Though it's amusing..."

"Servant what is so amusing?" Sir Integra tapped her fingers impatiently.

"Before she dove into the river, her only words were how much she hates all filthy vampires and wished my undead soul truly rotted. She was not lying as the hate rolled off her as an aura."

"A weak vampiress that hates her own kind...? Hold on the execution but don't grow attached to this one like your fledgling."

Alucard only laughed as he phased through the office wall to his basement lair. Where would her bloodline stem from? All vampires even indirectly sired went back to his blood. Even without her blood the old vampire could track her scent anywhere in all of lower England besides London. No one human or vampire had a scent remotely like hers.

Meanwhile in a dark area of downtown London, the pale beauty sat in a pub where less honest jobs could be had. The woman glanced at a card buried in a jar of odd job hires. The one that stuck out had a crest on it and printed with the name Hellsing organization. That organization she recognized, well the name at least. They killed Dracula. She pulled her phone out and dialed the number. None of her personal contact numbers worked or her bank cards. It was as if she was in a mirror reality of hers.

The phone rang and rang. "Pick it up," the young woman grumbled.

"Yes, and Hello this is the Hellsing Organization. I am Walter C. Dornez, how may l be of service?"

"Yes, morning Walter, are you currently hiring for security as it states on Hellsing's card?"

"Sorry Miss..."

"Meabh McNamara, sir. I really need a job of any kind," the woman said hopefully.

"I see Miss McNamara; can you find your way to our manor, or do you need to be picked up?" Walter asked.

"I can but if you could send someone, I would really appreciate it sir."

Walter noted her soft voice with a hint of an Irish accent. "Miss McNamara are you Catholic by chance?"

"Heretic Catholic that has seen some strange stuff in her short lifetime, sir."

"That will do unless you have objections to work for Protestants backed by the church," Walter was giving a spur of the moment test.

"No sir, I would feel better actually to be with people of faith..." she said.

"Very well I will get you in an hour," he said.

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