blood euphoria (6)

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Alucard sat in his coffin then offered his hand. Meabh began to step carefully in and noticed the Master vampire's gloves were missing.

Alucard just chuckled. "My dear, you don't need to worry about hurting me. As for the gloves, they are still on, just my body can pull the gloves in, so they line on the inside of my hands."

"Oh...sorry I'm not used to being around vampires," Meabh responded. "I have to confine my strength with humans."

Now this is a conversation to have...passing as human constantly...

With an upper body lunge, Alucard had her caught,"So how strong are you little one?"

Meabh was opening her mouth to say when her Master began to squeeze stronger. Meabh fought his strength but her strength was only superhuman not supernatural. Suddenly with a loud snap of jaws, the Dhampirica sank her teeth into his upper arm then began a pulling-sawing motion with her mouth. A normal vampire would be missing an arm. It was as if her teeth alignment of upper and lower canines were on design for "eating" vampires.

Then he felt it, a pull of blood with something else...The Eldritch Vampire thought he had seen it all, heard it all and definitely knew all but not about having his essence pulled. His left hand quickly seized her throat.

"That is enough!" he snarled.

Meabh snapped out of the attack and stopped feeding. Her eyes went to him, then away and she shook. Alucard now knew something Meabh had hid, she may be allergic to human blood, but she could consume vampire blood greedily.

Alucard's long fingers held her throat still when he whispered his question in her ear. "What was that you were doing?"

"I..I was feeding Master..."

"Oh, I know that but it wasn't only my blood..." as he turned her face to him.  Meabh squirmed to get away, though deep down she knew there wasn't a way to get away.

"Tell me or I will snack on you," his voice low and menacing to her.

"I can eat your life force! Drain until nothing but a shriveled corpse that can never rise!" she screeched. "It heals me rapidly too...!"

His left thumb gently stroked her bottom lip. "Quite the little monster, so you're the boogeyman for vampires?"

"No...a vampire can kill me easily enough," her eyes shone of worry.

Not one vampire lived to tell of her secret. Now the most dangerous one of all did know. What did Alucard plan to do with that information?

"The Vampire King has the most delightful pet, a vampire eater," he purred then licked his blood off her face. "But you are such a messy eater. You need to improve that. I don't like messy eaters."

Meabh tried not to laugh but it slipped out. It was the tired, ridiculous one when things shouldn't be funny but were, to handle the stress. Her eyes now noticed, how Alucard had placed her on his lap, with her legs straddling him. The hand holding her neck now cupped her cheek. His eyes locked to hers.

"Am I a good year or a bad year?" he whispered with a hint of suggestiveness.

"I don't... understand-" her face showed confusion. "Like blood wine?"

"Mmm..." is all he said then began to purr once more.

"I haven't tasted anything so delicious in my whole lifetime..." her eyes studied him for a clue to this conversation.

"Then by all means, have some more little hunter..." as his arms spread out to expose his bare body.

Meabh began running fingers over his cool skin. Her eyes darted to his right nipple then her body followed where her eyes had been looking. Alucard heard the intake of breath, then felt razor sharp teeth piercing on both sides of his nipple. Her jaw wiggled to bring blood, welling up then her narrow, long tongue licked and gathered the blood. Her fingers squeezed the wound to bring more blood to the surface.

The Vampire King's eyelids fluttered then closed. Meabh had never probably fed slowly but her bite and feeding was intoxicating. Alucard lowered his body and finally rested in his coffin. Occasionally his hips bucked to rub his erection between her legs and pressed against her lower belly.

"Fuck..." he hummed. "I'm going to cum soon."

Meabh pulled her head up, in alarm. Her eyes were greeted by molten eyes of red, orange and gold color, staring back. "Don't be a tease now. Finish what you started..."

The Dhampirica settled on his nipple again, slowly pulling and sucking as her fingers pinched his flesh for more blood. Then her right hand fingernails danced down his left side. When she reached his muscle that connects to the hip, her nails dug in to leave tiny seeping cuts. The pain was so exquisite, Alucard grunted loudly as he released. His cum spurted high on his body. Meabh took her tongue, extended as far as possible, swirled the Shadow King's seed and blood together, then lapped it up like a cat.

All Meabh had done was a controlled feeding and she had him cumming hard, like a teenager. Once more Alucard had never experienced anything like this, such an overpowering euphoria, since becoming a vampire.

"Alucard!" she squeaked. "I can't stop the bleeding!"

The Unholy King looked up, his high somewhat ruined. "I will heal. Look at you...have to lick you clean again."

He did just that as the wound healed but at a slower rate than usual. Her saliva was a powerful anticoagulant. It could be used as a toxin to kill the little maggots vampires. They would bleed to undead death.

"Sleep now..."

"But I don't need to sleep," she grumbled.

Alucard shifted to get more comfortable then pulled her down. "Sleep you're probably blood drunk, my dear..."

Meabh stretched and relaxed on him. "I miss a heart beat."

Normally a complaint like that irritated him. He just felt too high not to give her a small reward. Though the heart is no longer needed, sometimes a heart beat was needed to fool vampire hunters. Alucard probed his mind to start the process, then began a long series of deep rumbles. If lions could purr they probably sound like No Life King.  His fingers stroked her head while the other hand caressed her back. At her height it was easy to reach all the places he liked to touch in an embrace.

"Odihnește-mi vânătoarea (rest my huntress)..."

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