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"Lily blossom my dear girl, there is an informal gathering tonight," Draerin whispered as his fingers skimmed her pale skin of her upper arm. "Our private dinner will have to be delayed for now."

"Oh! Then I shall stay here and make myself invisible of sorts," Lily smiled up at the Elven prince.

"I would prefer that you are dressed for the occasion and come join me," Draerin touched her cheek. "I don't expect you to hide like a monster under a child's bed. You are too fair and enchanting for such negative thoughts.."

"But I am like an untrained horse," she sighed. "I will step on toes and not realize I have insulted your guests..."

"I won't hear another excuse," Draerin tsked her. "You will be just fine."

With a wave of a graceful hand the elf prince was giving a cue to a handmaiden and said goodbye in a whirl of fine Elven clothes.

The Elf maidens dressed Lily in a white flowing dress and styled her hair with gold barrettes and golden band with wings. She looked in the mirror and softly laughed. All she needed was a hammer and to be walking the fields of Asgard.

Lillui spinned around as her assistants left. She glanced once more into the mirror to see an armored hand stretching. The fingers stroked the reflection. The Dhampirica covered her ears as if it would help.

"Lillui..." the heavy Romanian acent.

"No! You can not enter..." she hissed at the hand.

Lily knew and recognized the style of armor. It was Alucard in his Vlad persona. The Vampire King was somehow close to entering this realm of the Elves.

A soft laugh rung in her mind's eye. "I have a lost gift from the elf prince."

"A ...palantir," Lily said  in despair.

"Some dumbass elf lost it traveling in Hoia Baciu forest," Vlad chuckled amused. "And I found it when I still needed to breathe."

"Why can you not leave me be?" she moaned.

Vlad growled now, "You swore fealty to me. You swore an oath to me. You can not break it until I die and that will be quite a long time as you know well."

"I am no longer in your territory!" Now Lily smirked as she growled back. "Ha!"

"Then I will invade that land," his image in her mind glowers and gave a mental nudge.

"You can not come through with any kind of an army," the Dhampirica informed Vlad.

"No little huntress, my army resides in me," he paused for dramatic effect. "Three million souls give or take."

"No..." she sighed. "I will return but I belong to Sir Integra when it comes to love."

"That is workable," he grinned with a crooked smile. "I do not need your love, just your loyalty as my servant."

"And the truth comes to the surface like an oil slick..."Lillui sighed softly. "I have a public dinner with Elf Lord Elric then I will come back to Integra."

"Very well little one," he rumbled. But do not keep me waiting long.."

Once again acceptance is taken.  Lillui sadly opened her bedroom door and headed through the open space of her living quarters. She arrived in silence like vampires. The half breed was quieter than her guests.

"Man tindu na cin Lillui, (Good twilight to you Lillui)..." High Lord Elric greeted  Lily.

Lily bowed to guests, "Man tindu na all hi dú.( Good twilight to all this night..)"

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