1 - Grocery Shopping

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Milk, eggs, apples, cheese, and bread. That's all it started out with.

He had just left the small apartment of Professor Idabashi, the main designer of all Team Danganronpa androids, to run some errands. A simple task, surely.

 He was minding his own business, walking down the street, when he was quickly pulled into an alley next to him.

 "Who are you?" A voice questioned, face shadowed by the tall buildings next to them.

 Who was he? Who were they?! 

 "I-I'm Kiibo, the only model K1-B0 android in existence." He stuttered quietly, trying to see through the thick darkness.

"Speak louder." The voice demanded again, stepping ever so farther into the light.

 "Like I said, I'm Kiibo. The only model K1-B0 android."

 "I knew it." The voice muttered in a disgusted tone, "Any last words, toaster?"


 "Really?" They scoffed, "Those are your last words?"

 Stepping into the light, a gun in his hand was a boy, maybe around fifteen years old. His raven hair was purple at the ends. He wore a midnight black hoodie and a checkerboard scarf, covering his mouth. Though his mouth was covered, you could still see his brilliant amethyst eyes. 

 "I'll give you one more chance." The boy remarked, cocking his gun, "Any. Last. Words."

 "Who are you?"

 Sighing, and quietly cursing under his breath the boy answered, "Kokichi Ouma, leader of an android resistance group called Dice."

 "A-Android resistance?"

 "God, they really never teach you guys anything." He laughed, pointing the gun at the other boy, "We kill you guys because soon you'll all kill us. Sure, it sounds sci-fi, but it's inevitable."

 "W-Wait-" Kiibo objected, before being interrupted by a quick, rhythmic beeping sound. 




"God dammit, Kork!" The boy with amethyst eyes groaned, retrieving his phone from his pocket, "Hello?"

 "Hello, Ouma. Have you been caught?"

  "Yeah, I'm totally in a holding cell, right now!"

 "Oh dear. Is this really true?"

 "Uh-huh, go ask Rantaro or Angie for the money to bail me out, I know you don't have it."

 "Now I know you must be lying."

 "No shit, I'm lying!"

 "Well, where are you?"

 "Alley on fourth street, the one right next to the Hanamura diner."

 "Thank you. I'm on my way."

 "Kay-kay, bye!" Kokichi said before cursing, and returning his phone to his pocket, looking at the android, "Luck was on your side this time, pretty boy."

 "P-Pretty boy?!" He stuttered, before being shoved out of the alley as the other boy seemed to disappear into the shadows.

A/N: This is my first Kiibouma fanfiction on Wattpad, and it would mean a lot to me if you commented! Thanks for reading the first chapter!

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