4 - Apprehended

71 4 0

They had been sitting in the dusty room for over an hour, doing nothing but sitting around and playing card games.

 "Ouma," The long-haired boy purred, "You seemed in a rush when I called you earlier. Why is that?"

 "Found an android, duh." He said, throwing another card into the already growing pile, "Your turn, Avocado."

 "An android, huh?" Angie asked, "Did you actually kill this one, or were you too scared?"

 "Totally not scared!" Kokichi boasted, "He just said something about being the only model of his kind, or something."

 "'D kinda be like causing an extinction if you did kill him." A boy with green hair mumbled, "Your turn, Angie."

 "Perhaps it was the failed model I've heard of." The long-haired boy remarked, "Apparently it was deemed too 'human' to be mass-produced, and it was scrapped." 

 "Another reason why we shouldn't kill it." The one with green hair said, "Good one, Korekiyo."

 "My pleasure-"




 "What is going on?!" The girl with the yellow coat asked, clutching her cards to her chest.

 "I have less of an idea than you." The boy with amethyst eyes mumbled, before noticing something seeping through the cracks in the walls. 


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