Matt x Billionaire Reader

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No ones POV: The guys don't know that Matt is dating a Billionaire but than Y/N decided to visit Matt and also Y/N is kinda mean and just doesn't like the guys and acts sweet because she is jealous that he is living with them and not her but after she becomes friends with them.

Y/N POV: I decided that I wanted to visit my lovely boyfriend Mattie I love him so much that I mostly bought him all the mirrors in a store so I went to my butler "hey you butler" I say in a mean tone to my butler "oh yes ma'am?" He says to me "well get my limbo ready I'm going to visit Mattie" I say while putting my lipgloss on "but ma'am didn't your parents say not to hang out with him?" He says to me worried I look at him with a mean glare " I'll make my dad sue your ass!" I say and continue putting lipgloss on "yes right away ma'am" he says running fast "ugh annoying ass"I say.

Edd POV: me and the guys are all sitting in the living room watching the children I than hear a knock on the door so I get up and open the door I than see a woman looking at her nails all dressed with a red dress with a belt wrapped around her and gold jewelry around her she than looks at disgusted "um where's Mattie you loser" she says in a mean tone I than see a limbo behind her "um How about you come in he is here she than walks into the house looking around.

Tom POV: I see a woman walk in the room "hey who are you" I say to hear while Tord and Edd look at her "well that's none of your business you drunk piece of shit" she says to me with a glare I than hear Tord laugh "HAHA she called you a drunk piece of shit" Tord says laughing with tears in his eyes I just glare at him mad "hey why don't you got back to hell fucking demon hair looking ass!" She says mad Tord just looks at her shocked I than giggle silently

Y/N POV: ugh these people are annoying as fuck where is my honey I than see Matt come downstairs with his mirror I than smile brightly "MATTIE" I say loudly and ran to him hugging him tightly I see him smile brightly and hug me back "so um Matt who is this person?" Edd says to me "oh well she is my girlfriend!

Edd POV: wait huh "WAIT GIRLFRIEND?!" Me, Tom, and Tord say out loud "wow I didn't expect Matt getting a girlfriend" Tom says I see Tord giggle she glares at Tom and than mouthed to him "my dad will kill you" he than looks at her slightly scared.

Tord POV: i was zoned out for a moment until I heard Matt speak "well her name is Y/N" Matt says I than see Y/N looking at Matt with dreamy eyes but why did she date Matt it seems like she would date another billionaire but she didn't well she probably thinks he is handsome but there are many girls who never really like Matt because how narcissist Matt is but there has to be a reason so I left to my room to figure it out.

Edd POV: I than see Y/N looking at Matt with really dreamy eyes "hey Mattie honey where is the bathroom?" She says in a innocent voice "oh well it's  down the hall to the right upstairs" Matt says smiling at her than she also smiles but it didn't seem fake at all "thank you Mattie" she says and than goes to the bathroom I than wait until I hear the bathroom door close "Matt do you think she is the right one" I say to Matt worried "yeah I do,why do you say that?" Matt says looking away from his mirror.

Tom POV: I look at Matt than at Edd "well I think she is a bit mean" Edd says "yeah I agree with Edd" I say "what do you mean she is a bit mean" Matt says confusing Me and Edd look at eachother and than at Matt "well um when you where in your room she was being rude to us" Edd says I than see Matt giggling "oh well she does that to everybody even when she meet me" Matt says like it is not that bad "wait how did you guys meet?" I say in all curios.

Matt: I than look at Edd and Tom "well we meet at a famous cafe and I say her yelling at the cashier and when I just looked at her I think she caught me looking at her she than started yelling at me but I didn't do anything she got more mad because I wasn't getting scared off her I than kiss her forehead and she just looks at me with a frozen look she than stoped yelling at me and crossed her arms and look away with a blush" I say remembering that day "well Matt I feel like there is more to it what happened" I heard Edd say.

Edd POV: I than see Matt blushing really hard looking at me and Tom "u-um w-we um" Matt says stuttering "come on spit it out" Tom says "WE HAD SEX AS A APOLOGIZE!" Matt say loudly than covers his mouth I than see Y/N behind him with a blush face looking at me and than at Matt "so uh Matt" she says Matt than jumps scared "oh hi honey" he says looking worried she smiles at him "go to my limbo i will be there ok" she says to Matt
"Ok" Matt says and walks out the door and closes it "hey so um sorry that I was mean to you guys I was just jealous because Matt is living with you guys and not with me" she say scratching her head "oh that's ok but why did you guys date" I say.

Y/N POV: I hear Edd say "oh well he was a really nice guy he never treated me like a sex toy and actual cared for me everybody thought I will date billionaire" I say to Edd "oh well so are we all friends now" I than see his hand out as a friend shake I than smile "friends" I grab his hand and shake.

No ones POV: the next day all the the guys where hanging out in their backyard until they heard him "hey losers" Eduardo says to Edd, Edd than looks at Eduardo "look Eduardo I don't want any funny business with you" Edd says looking annoyed not wanting to deal with this "well to bad lo-" Eduardo was cut off  " hey asshole" Y/N says getting out of her limbo Eduardo than looks at her "you better leave my friends alone asshole or I will tell my dad to crush down your motherfucking house you prick looking asshole!" Y/N says in a mean tone while smirking evily.

                                    THE END
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