25. Live Long And Prosper

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"So what do you think?" I asked as Adam kept the last paper on table.

"These are savings bonds your parents prepared ten years ago. We have to submit this in the bank and to know the exact amount matching the current rates. And these also include your parents insurance which must be claimed now that the case is solved." He said.

"Whats you're estimate? How much can it be?" I asked.

"About a quarter of million." He said with a sigh. I was stunned. My eye balls ready to fall out. I blinked twice.

"Were your parents rich?" Asher asked.

"I don't know. We sure lived in a big house." I said barely remembering our financial position.

"We have to consult an accountant just incase there are any clause for the murder of the insurance holder. I'll verify all these and get back to you soon." Adam said and tapped my head before he left with the documents.

"If this is true, we can pay for our college, it won't be a burden on Adam." I said excitedly.

"We?" He asked.

"Yeah, we." I said and his smile dropped.

"I'm not using your money. I saved my own and I'll pay mine. We'll save the rest of your money for future. Okay?" He held my hands making a valid point.


Later that night Mike gave me notes from school that Rebecca gave him for me. I studied for a while as we have some assignments pending.

The next day went flat. The guys fooled around in the pool while I sat there getting some vitamin D.

"C'mon Emily, play with us." Brandon shouted.

"I'll just stay out here. You guys play." I replied.

"Atleast play catch with us." He said and threw the colorful beach ball towards me. With the ball came some water droplets. I did catch the ball but received the sprinkles too.

"You're gonna make me wet if we continued this." I said and realised my words. I felt a blush creep up my cheeks and I looked at Mike and Lucas who were trying not to laugh and Asher just smirked. He winked at me and it made me look away trying to control my smile.

"That's what we're upto. Let's make her wet!" Brandon screamed running out the pool towards me with a handful of dripping water.

This time the guys couldn't control and ended up laughing too hard. By the time Brandon reached me, his hand was empty.

"Come in the pool Emily." He whined.

"I can't. I can't walk and I can't go in without Stephany being here." I said and he made that sad face which was hard to say no to but I managed somehow.

Soon the boys got out and changes into their comfy clothes lying straight on the couch in the living room. I rolled to Asher and he lifted me up swiftly and placed me on his lap and Brandon sat next to me cuddling closely.

Soon Adam came home from his meeting and joined us on the couch as well. We all spent our afternoon half sleeping and half watching the Star Trek movie.

There was a knock at the door towards the end of the movie and no one bothered to move. The door opened and it made me fully awake.

"Really guys? I could've been a thief and you'd still be lying there." Stephany commented and I laughed.

"Well then it's a good thing you're not." Lucas commented not even opening his eyes.

"I'll steal Emily from you all." She said giving me a wink.

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