Chapter 3: The Strange Girl

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The people of Barcelona, believing young Ash was capable of bringing out the sun had tied him and his chair up in the air and made him call upon the sun

The scary part.. he succeeds

Now, after losing his father figure, Father Rodriguez, Young Ash is left with two options: remain in Barcelona or go with Mendoza the explorer and help him find thr Cities of gold and maybe find his real father as well


A lone man stood on the docks of Barcelona. The sun was slowly rising and light soon splashed across the stone floor, giving a wave of warmth to the man.

This man is Mendoza, a great sailor and navigator that is known for his bravery in the great sea. Nothing could stop him, some say not even a shark is more can top this man. And yet as great as he his, the sailor found himself waiting patiently for a child

Ash, the so called child of the sun.

Was it worth it to wait for a child? Was what Mendoza asked himself multiple times. Of course the child had shown he has power over the sun and he had a golden Medallion with symbols Mendoza only saw in the new world, but is he really going behind his crew's back just for a little chance of finding riches?

Mendoza started hoping the child wouldn't show up

The debate in his head continued for a long time as he waited for a child that is yet to appear, the black haired man ultimately sighed, of course the little lad wouldn't show up, Mendoza scolded himself. Who in their right mind leave everything they know and love just for a tiny chance to find something about their past? Mendoza and Everyone else in Barcelona thought Ash had the most wonderful of lives, so why would he risk everything just to come with a man he only met today?

Mendoza turned towards the ship, the Esperanza. He was ready to go on that adventure even without the child of the sun, he was smart enough to know the risks he was taking, and furthermore he has a backup plan. So.. why risk getting thrown overboard?

But, just as the black haired man was about to climb onboard the ship, he saw him. Ash, the child of the sun, now dressed in a white V neck shirt and red vest was running towards the ship with a smile on his face "wait!" He called to Mendoza, who turned around to face the boy. Ash held himself up, exhausted but smiling nonetheless "you made the right decision Ash" Mendoza told the boy "come on, let's get onboard" Ash nodded. Mendoza took two fingers and whistled towards the ship and like a miracle a rope came down  for Mendoza to catch "go on, climb aboard" the black hair man said as he held the rope tightly letting Ash climb it.

The two reached the deck of the ship safely, where two man were waiting for them "it's alright now. the crew is sleeping like dogs" Pedro said "I-I-It'll take a kick to the guts to wake them" added Sancho. Mendoza turned to Ash "we gave them a lot of wine last night" he explained "they shouldn't wake up until the fleet's departure" the black haired man garbed a nearby lantern and told Ash to follow him "come after me Ash, I'll show you where you'll be staying" Ash nodded and did as he was told and followed Mendoza to the bottom of the ship

The two arrived at the storage room of the ship, a least 20 barrels were sitting on top one another "so Should I stay here?" Ash asked as he sat down, resting his back on a big wooden box "yes" said Mendoza "after we cast off I'll come and get you. And don't worry after we're at sea we won't be able to turn around and get you back to Barcelona" Ash nodded and the black haired man stood up "try to get some sleep, we sat sail at noon, you should have some time to sleep" and with that Mendoza left

Ash was tired, really tired. He didn't had even one second of sleep last night and it was killing him, Mendoza's offer was something he had wished would happen for a long time. He was sick and tired of being trapped in the cathedral. The young boy just wanted to explore, see the world and be free, so when the opportunity arrived he did not hesitate, the excitement in his heart was so great to the point he could not sleep at all. But now, after finally settings foot on the great ship Esperanza, Ash began to feel the tiredness and slowly his body gave in and he fell into a deep sleep

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