Chapter One

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Chapter one
“Revenge is sweet as it gets ugly”

Just like most times on Her busiest day, ‘Time square’—often referred to as the ‘crossroads of the world’, was chocked-up with pedestrians. Only this time, the multitude wasn’t streaming to and fro Her streets, but were converged before one of the scores of giant-screen televisions rigged in the square. Also, the fluxation of bright lights and tons of advertisements—neon, zippers and electric that used to be the order of every other day were at standstill. Although famous and noted for Her bristling around-the-clock, on this early Saturday morning; Time square was a shadow of herself, with no luster whatsoever to her outlook.
Bringing to the crowds’ hearing the breaking news was the talking head of a lady, whose golden, feathered hair framed both prominent cheekbones on her oval face. There’s definitely much more allure to her features, which none of her riveted listeners gave a hang about at the moment.
“The attack earlier on Fort Freedom, the nation’s proving ground turned military installation in southern Raqqa had been labeled a monstrosity act, which left at its wake a stroke of catastrophe.” She delivered the news with the fluency requisite of an adroit reporter. “While the identity of the attackers of the missile strike, which dealt a huge blow on the site, claiming no less than two hundred lives on the spot and injuring a hundred more are as yet unknown. Top brass policymakers and diplomats of the country has called such act, a sucker punch to the face of the United States.”
A secondary window covering a giant tower of mushroom cloud at the attack site fast-broke into the right bottom screen.
“I must also add that, there’s been no response whatsoever from the White House as yet...”
With that last deet of information, the talking head blurred out of the screen. In its stead for the viewing of the sullen-faced crowds, was the billowy image of the ‘Old Glory’ with the United States anthem playing in the background.
With about six million, five hundred thousand square feet in size; the Pentagon sat pasted from across the Potomac River, Arlington county, Virginia, Washington D.C. The grand edifice, sometimes considered as the world’s largest office building, as it measured up to many large ships and buildings of the world was laid up in stripped classicism, with five sides as its name suggests: five floors above ground, two basement levels and five ring corridors per each floor. Further in its compass, was the ‘Central Plaza’, also shaped as a Pentagon and informally known as ‘Ground Zero’ taking up as much as five acres of its demesne.

Seating around dark polished desk within the enclosed SCIF hall, pronounced ‘Skiff’ [Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility] hall of one of the many ring offices on Pentagon were five unsmiling faces.
Perched on the black leathered chair, whose headrest was branded with the seal of the Department of Defense, with lithe arms gingerly draped over the branches of his seat was the Secretary of Defense. Prettied up in his black, two-piece suit, with half his face curtained by his shock of dark hair; the young man in his late twenties, was at the height of power, having under his command all agencies charged with the issue of National Security.
Flanking him on his right in a blue flannel suit, was his creased-face counterpart from the ODNI [Office of the Director of National Intelligence]. Just like him, the much older man being the Director, wield power over the Intelligence Communities of the nation.
Inches away from the Director, sits the only woman in the room; proxying for other HUMINT senior officials. Director Jamie Wells of the CIA had been a top gun in the intelligence world for long. And had been a recipient of the United States medal of honor for her ten years’ service in the Army; a cause which had led to the induction of her name on Pentagon’s Hall of Heroes.
Farther to his left, was the stern-faced General Sousa, clad in his service, full-dress army uniform. From his spry and the way, he carried his two-hundred-pound frame, one would argue the fact that he was inching towards his seventies.
And up close to the General’s left, was the only man with no servicemen background, even though his conduct and close-crop military haircut speak otherwise. Given that the bridle of Secretary of State was ever-demanding, it can well be said that Mr. Hess Lippmann had been fine-tuned by the functions of his seat
They had all seen several live broadcasts of the missile attack on TVs, even worse, they’ve had to slip away from the nosey men of the press to get here. Now convened in the hall like Generals would in a War room, they were out to debate on the recent act of terror.
“Is anyone here ready to break the ice?” The thin voice of the Secretary of Defense canceled out the wide gap of silence in the room.
“I’m afraid there’s been an increase in the figures of dead victims at the attack site.” The General said outright.
“And what new figures are we talking here General Sousa?” Mr. Hess enquired this time.
“We’ve hundred more to our body count, and a fifty in casualties.” Director Wells answered in his stead.
“Quite a figure that is. I think it right to put a lid on this and let the media and masses make do with the already known figure, at least for now.” The Secretary of Defense made a sad face as he watched them nod in concession. “Moving on to the pressing matter; have we any names to place on the mastermind of the attack yet?”
“Yes...,” the Director of National Intelligence said haltingly. “But, they’re basically unfounded theories as of now, sir.”
“According to some CIA sources, it can be surmised the attack was a lash out from ISIL. Also, we may have reasons to believe the North Koreans are behind the attack.” Wells filled in for him.
"I think I’ll go with the latter, Director.” Sousa pointed out.
“Come to think of it good people,” Hess said. “An attack from both ends speaks no good: if really it was ISIL, then, that’s a case of despicable act of terror, and if otherwise—.”
“An unforgiveable act of war.” Director Wells finished for him.
“So having no Air defense system over there in Syria, some cocksuckers think they can fuck with the free world and walk free?” The Secretary of Defense demanded in outrage.
“Some ordinary birds are spreading their wings, it seems.” Added Mr. Hess.
“Then I guess now is the time to get POTUS in the picture,” The Defense secretary stated, clicking his tongue. “Let’s put a call through to the White House.”

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