Chapter Seven

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Chapter seven

“Stronger than lover’s love is lover’s hate;
Incurable, in each, the wounds they make.”—Euripides.

{couple months back}
The thumps of her shoed feet preceded her as she coursed through the narrow hallway, evenly tilting her feather-weight build from one dainty leg to another. She looked more or less like someone brought forth from an ad; in her black, designer leathered pants and jacket. Her black luxuriant hair fanning out across her face with each precise and graceful step.
But that was where all the fairness and elegance ended, as there was something apparently dark and wild about her. Perhaps, it’s something with her eyes; darker than night itself, and also cavernous that it seemed to hold a thousand worth grim secrets. Or maybe, it has something to do with her straight, close-to-perfect nose and sharp prominent cheekbones, which all defy tameness and meekness.
Each step placed her away from the elevator car that had conveyed her to this level of the building, and much closer to the door that walled her from her destination.

Something far greater than tension was building among the three occupants of the small room. That being the overflux feeling of apprehension as the thumps of the approaching feet grew louder and nearer. Restrained to their seats and helpless as kids to the impending doom, they each shared a glance—a confused one at that, and not a word.
It’s been well over an hour together in their prison cell of a room. And still, they’ve never bartered words, each soul keeping to himself and ready to tackle what to come alone.
And even with their differences and withheld secrets, there was one thing known and agreed upon by either of them, though, none was willing to say it out loud.
They were all connected in one way or another, of which none had figured out yet. And most relevant at the moment was a strange fact that; they’re all cattle bound in a shambles, and about to be shown the point of the knife.
The thumps came to an abrupt stop with each man pivoting his head to the door almost simultaneously.
In the moment that followed, impermeable silence blanketed the room, that they could all swear they heard the beats of their hearts thrumming in their ears. And within a heartbeat, the door glided open effortlessly, to reveal the flimsy figure of a lady, who seemed to glide into the room in the manner of the automated door.

Once at the door, she flattened her palm against the biometric verification panel and watched drably as the word ‘Access Granted’ flashed across the small box, followed by the severing of the doors.
“I’ll keep this straight and simple.” She began, ignoring the glower from the men, only stopping before several big screens, which came alive right at that instance.
“You three have been abducted because you share a common interest which equals that of the house; The system had fucked you all in one way or the other, and more so, you’ve stood up to it rather than sitting on your hands.” She continued with a slight jut of her chin toward the screen. “Your profiles speak for themselves. And even with your finesses and the fire burning within ya’ll, there’s a ‘but’”
She took a theatrical deep breath. “I bet you’re familiar with the famed legend of the labyrinth, where many lost their way to their doom. You all are not different from these people in the labyrinth of society. Unless, you find a thread to trace your way back out, you’ll find your doom ultimately. And that thread we’ve promised to provide you with; your low-burning fire, we’ll rekindle into a wildfire with our fuel. If only, you’re willing to conquer your worst nightmare with us by fighting for a greater cause.”
She edged closer to them now, in a motion slithery as a snake’s, bending a little at her midriff and whispering to them in a voice persuasive as much as it’s menacing. “And I doubt any of you would turn down this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rid the world of her broken system.”
Fully aware she wouldn’t get an answer or an iota of reaction from their stark expressionless faces, she decided on cue it was time to take her leave.
“I’ll see you when I see you guys.” She said, backing away a little.
Two quick steps and she stopped dead in her tracks, watching dazedly as one of the men fell back flatly in his chair with an echoing clang.
Before long, the shock expression on her dissolved into something ugly and smug at the same time, while she stood watching the man sleekly entangling himself with fine torqued motion.
If bothered by the man’s display of bravado, she gave nothing away, hiding her emotions and things alike behind a mask of blatant indifference.
Swift and sleek as an asp, he was in her face, his hands fisted around her dainty neck in a monkey-wrench. The heat of his seething fury emanating off of him and gathering around them.
“Not so fast.” He spat in her face, holding her still.
Rather than fight or wrench free from his hold, she let him had his run at luck, choking on each words that slipped from her mouth afterward. “Anger, there’s no better driving force to it in the universe. And I think you’ll be needing more of it on your new quest.”
“Fuck that! You should know better to leave my little girl out of your lousy game!” His voice sounded more like the scrape of metal against something solid.
“I love how personal that sounds.” She said, squeezing free from his hold with a well-choreographed sashay, and had him slammed face-first against the floor with a flick. Luck runs out, eventually.
“You know what I think; I think, she would live long as you play along with my rules,” She inputted. “One more thing though, you must also know anger when not concentrated on the right thing, can be so destructive to its owner. Best of luck, anyway.” She finished and minced out of the room.
               {Mop-hair’s P.O.V}
My vision returned to me in a haze, with a whacking headache as an add-on. And worse, I hurt all over. But why? I can’t help but wonder. And soon, the memories came jetting in spurts; First, with my wild run in that short adventure through the woods. Then, the little twist in fate; the fall, and my straight dunk into oblivion.
The pain from the fall was nothing like I’d ever felt. Nothing could measure up to it, not even the gunshot wound I’d suffered couple months back. The ‘Why’ was evident of course, as I’d taken several lumps and bruises from the fall. I can tell I was literally covered in patches of livid bruises.
Though my eyes had fluttered open some moments ago. It took a while longer for my senses to kick back alive. And once they did, I wriggled my fingers and toes, then, made to stand with such spry as a spider’s. At that moment only did I come to grasp the severity of the pass I was in. 
I was constrained to the metal chair under me with cords, taut, and as well as resilient. And I flopped right back in the chair against the repelling force of the restraints, cursing gently under my breath.
It took even longer to know I was not alone in this shithole of a place. And for one, I’d the gut feeling the two were dead, but felt otherwise, soon as I noticed the manifest heaving of their chest.
Having nothing to do but sit helplessly in this darned chair, I decided to do a quick survey of the room, if for anything, to flesh out my escape plan. I knew all I ever have to do is escape from this room and locate my girl. They are hiding her somewhere here, that much I am sure of.
Squared and stark white walls—no window—four surveillance cameras pegged on each sides of the walls, and there’re chances of even more hidden cameras around somewhere. And a sole entrance that leads to God knows where.
I knew right then that escaping was a bad idea; and had decided right on the spot to leave it for later.
The huff from one of the men: the yellow-skinned dude, with a clownish visage called me back to the present. He must have woken somewhere in my reverie since I hadn’t noticed myself. Even though, I can tell he looked somehow lost or so, I figured it was not in my place to tell him how pretty fucked we’re at the moment. It was each man to himself now.    
With my fleeing impulse already stashed in my mental trashcan, I was left with the urge to live and see this through. I was more than ready and willing to do whatever it takes to feel the sunlight against my nape again.
While the third guy went on raving like a crazed dog and making it patently impossible to hear any other sound out in the room. I heard a sound. It was remote at first, and it’s the sound of approaching feet.
I’ve never felt like this in years. The new feel of consternation seemed alien to me as the thumps of the feet inched nearer. And I could have sworn nothing in the world could be likened to it. Not even the dread of being led to an electric chair.
The door I’d earlier noticed clasted open with a swish. And as if in a dreamlike medium, I watched in double-vision as a lady walked into the room.
“I’ll keep this straight and simple.” I heard her say, my racing heart slackening a bit.
Moments later, everything seemed to fall in place, like a jigsaw puzzle. My missing daughter—My wild run through the wood—My abduction and that of the other men, were all mapped out. It was all a piece in a rather bigger puzzle.
For long, she rambled on and on, on some laid-up plans to change the world or so. And since I cared less, I never bothered paying it any mind.
While this went on, however, I felt something awakened in me. It was ancient, yet familiar, and it badly wants out of the cold, dusty box it was sealed in for long. It was anger, I can tell as it bubbled and moiled from within me. And it was not just any anger, it was the type you probably can’t put a lid on, no matter how much you try. And I also can feel how swiftly it coursed through my vein, like a shot of adrenaline. And I let it bubbled over, all because I needed it more than ever.
With a back-flipping motion like those in Wuxia movies, I crashed down hard on my back. And with some tricks, I’d learned sometimes in the past, I squirmed free from the binds onto my feet, dashing at her like a steed.
She shook with surprise and something quite undecipherable, watching wide-eyed as my hand tightened around her jugular. But to my dismay, she seemed anything but unhinged by my actions, staring unblinkingly as I throttled her to near-death.
And well, I’ve met with a couple of people, who would embrace their own death with no afterthought. But it’s different with her. She wasn’t only ready to take death in open arms, I felt she had made peace with it, that it seemed to be nothing but a friend.
Even worse, was how she threw me off like a tossed coin. My feet caved in from under me and I slammed hard against the floor, like a sack of grain.
It was damn late for face-saving; I knew as I laid sprawl across the floor. And that hurt more than a physical pain would. A while ago, I had thought we’re having a civil conversation. If having her almost strangled to death could be called that. But in the space of five minutes, things had turned pretty sticky than I ever imagined. And for the most part, I’ve learned a great deal.
Defeated, I watched her leave the room in her trademark mince. It took what looks like ages to pick myself from the floor, and enough nerve to return dejectedly, like a wet dog to my seat.

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