Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

“There’s always enough retribution to be dealt.”—Amber Silvia.

   {yellow-skin’s P.O.V}
I don’t like being tied one bit. For one, it makes me feel like a hostage. Oh well, who am I kidding though? I’m actually one here, but still, I’ve got something to be thankful for. That is, not being blindfolded or gagged. Shucks! I can’t begin to tell how much I hate that.
Once my eyes had flipped open like the pages of a book couple minutes ago. My worst fear had been to have awakened in some God knows Black site. But that’s soon alleviated as it dawned on me what place I was holed in. This place was no fit match for the orgy things carried out in Black sites, at least on face valuation. And it did bring some relief.
It was nonetheless, no lasting cure to the sick feeling in my guts. A feeling which I dreaded as much as death. It comes so very often; like that time, I received the anonymous call, which had been the watershed to this.
I tried my all ignoring the mean-looking man, bound up in a chair like myself. There were things off-human about him. First, in his eyes, all-too unnaturally black, and his pointy nose with its raised bridge. And black mop of hair, which fell freely in tangled locks down his forehead.
Instead, I had my thoughts singled on that one thing, that had been a mystery to me all along. It was no news my firewall was breached during my abduction. But still, there was a puzzle yet unsolved. That being, how the overhaul was machinated? I knew it was no easy feat to pull something that fat on a guy like myself. Plus, I knew it would take a pro to pull that off.
And there was the issue of that other guy, who’s been all hell, ever since he regained consciousness. Thrashing wildly and grunting like some ill-freaking animal in his seat.
It’s hard to admit, but I must say I was wrong about the first guy. Because if he was anything near meanie, then, this other guy was bad-ass meanie. And yeah, they both were giving me the heebies. And worse, I felt being in their odd company was making me hyperventilating by the seconds.
Also, there’s the pressing matter of the thumping feet of someone approaching. The sound of which was fear-inspiring as a war song. And as the figure got closer, I feared my heartstring might snap at the pace my heart was racing.   
The last few hours had been a ghost of an experience—the worst of my entire span, and I’m afraid if it would get any worse or better.
I watched as she waddled into the room, hips swinging sideways exaggeratedly, black lush hair wimpling out across her small face in waves. It was hard convincing my eyes of the scenes playing out before it. And what’s more, it was way too hard to take in all the drastic turn in events.
An angel had walked in right on us while I was expecting quite the opposite. This angel, was anything but hostile, at least on face valuation. She was anything but a killer. And she was anything but a saint too.
And voila! She blew me away with the first few words that rolled off those rich beautiful lips of hers. It’s nothing like any other sound I’ve heard before. And that little prelude of hers was the best ever.
I tried afterwards to stay focused, but it seemed the harder that I tried, the more my attention slackened. To come straight, I really was ogling over her. Anyways, I caught snippets of the message she was getting across, even though I was lost in her eyes the whole time.
It seemed at one time, there was a crash or was it rather a fall. Actually, I must admit I didn’t catch that too. But I was shocked out of my wits, once my eyes strayed to the spot where meanie was bounded, and more or less surprised to see him grappling with the binds. And I was more alarmed than ever, soon as the implications of his actions hit me.
In one swift, too-out-of-this-world-to-be-real motion, he was freed from the tendrils of the restraints and rushing at her head-on with the force of a devil’s dust.
It all happened too fast for me to grasp, and before I knew what, his hands flew to her throat in a grip, tight as a vise’s.
I was wrong about her like most everything, it clicked on me only after she had turned the odds in her favor, and had him face down on the floor. And with this new realization came an emptiness brought about by the total feel of loss.
She ain’t no angel. And fuck all what I see on the surface. She was indeed a killer—one that could possibly kill a man, just like I would swat a fly to death.
      {all-black’s P.O.V}
It was awkward having this going on. We’ve been at our little staring contest for a while now. How long? I really can’t tell myself. It was apparent I’ve lost track of time. They’d taken it all then, when they nabbed me off the street, stripping me of my life on the run.
Too bad, it seemed I’ve been transported into another world, without my knowing. Even worse, was this unplaceable place, which seemed to be brought on from some fiction piece.
I knew I must be causing quite a scene, thrashing and flailing in this chair, and I could care less. I guess, it’s my only way of escaping the reality of the present and shutting my mind against what was to come.
It’s crazy and I know, but having these guys around felt like a blessing. Knowing fully well that I was not alone in this, meant if I were to die out here, then, I’m not going down alone.
And there was this spontaneous thumps that seemed to sprung from behind the doors, and at its heels, the unbearable pound of my heart in my chest. Well, it’s fair to say I was afraid.
Until now, I’ve never had to fear the unknown. Of course, it was otherwise now. And I knew deep down where this was headed. Of course, it holds no good.
The smell of her cologne hit my nose long before she waltzed through the automated double-doors. And then she was right before me. I had a change of heart and the conviction that, I’ll live to see another day.
She disarmed me on all fronts and also had a desirable effect on my heart, which skipped a bit and returned to its normal cadency.
Then she began with her gibberish address, from which I deduced that our abduction was nothing but a preface to several chapters of a bulky book.
I knew they were up to no good. I knew they’ve some dark scheme already plotted, if not almost in motion. But gave it no second thought since the feeling was mutual. Almost instantly, I fell in love with their idea of revenge and havoc wreaking, ready and willing to play a piece in whatever game they had planned. And also knowing that once this gets on the way, there’s no wanting out.
It was join the bandwagon or something even dire. And worse, they weren’t even asking, she’d made it crystal clear. What she hadn’t added and which I figured out myself was, if we failed here, they’ll surely get gazillion others in our place.
I was an audience of all else afterwards. The magical move by the wild-looking guy. The altercation that sprung from his bold, but stupid move on her. And even the aftermath of all that—his utter humiliation.
It gladdens my heart to watch it all from the front seat. No googles, just a smile plastered across my face.

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