chapter 1

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'Wow, Mr. Oakenshield looks great today.' Bilbo thought. 'Oh Bilbo please get a hold of yourself he is your teacher for goodness sake!' He yelled at himself in is head.

'But...he just...looks so handsome...God what is wring with me!?!' He asked himself. But before he could answer, he felt a tap on his back.

"Bilbo, give me your homework." Kili whispered.

"Why didn't you do your homework again?!?" Bilbo asked.

"I was busy...besides who has time for homework." Kili exclaimed with a smirk on his face.

"You seriously have to start doing your own homework Kili." Bilbo said. Kili didn't respond back to him, he was looking anywhere but at Bilbo. Bilbo heard Fili next to him giggle.

'Fuck..." He thought.

Slowly he turned back around to the front to meet Mr. Oakenshield's beautiful gaze that gave him a shiver down his back.

"Mr. Baggins can you tell me what X equals?" Mr. Oakenshield asked pointing to the board. He should've been listening...

"I don't know sir..." Bilbo uttered. Mr. Oakenshield brought his fingers to the bridge of his nose.

"Well next time you should pay attention to me." Mr. Oakensield said. Bilbo felt really embarrassed and paid attention for the rest of class.

*Bell Rings*

"Class dismissed except Mr. Baggins stay please." Mr. Oakenshield said while erasing board.

'What now!' Bilbo thought. 'This can't be good.'

When all the students left the room, Mr. Oakenshield slowly walked over to Bilbo's desk staring down at the hazel eye student staring back at him.

'God his eyes are amazing!' Bilbo thought and his cheeks flushed red.

"Do you know why I had you stay after class Mr. Baggins?" Mr. Okaenshield asked leaning down into Bilbo's space.

"Um I don't know Mr. Oakenshield." Bilbo replied with a bit of attitude.

"You seem to not be able to pay attention in class." Mr. Oakenshield said. 'Is there a reason why?'

'Your the reason you idiot.' Bilbo thought. Mr. Oakenshield leaned in closer, slowly closing the distance between them.

"I can't think of anything Mr. Oakenshield." Bilbo said. Mr. Oakenshield let out a sign.

"Very well Mr. Baggins, when you figure out come and talk to me so we can fix the problem." Mr. Oakenshield said walking away to his own desk. Bilbo started to pack up his stuff and walked toward the door. Bilbo felt the on going stare of Mr. Oakenshield on him burning into his burn. He turned around, which was a big mistake. They're eyes met, and something about Thorin's look made him full of lust? desire? Bilbo didn't know and this sent a shiver down his spine again. Soon Bilbo got uncomfortable in his pants and turned away from his teacher, and left the room. He was surprised to see Fili & Kili waiting for him.

"Let's get to our next class before were even more late." Bilbo said while walking down the hall, Fili & Kili following behind.

"So what did Mr. Oakenshield say huh?" Fili asked nudging hsi elbow at Bilbo's side while winking. Bilbo raised an eyebrow at him.

'Oh god, do they know?!?' He asked himself.

"Yeah! Did you do something bad without us?!?" Kili asked. BIlbo hadn't told Fili or Kili about him "liking" Mr. Oakenshield, they were his best friends and he knew he could trusst them even if it seemed like you couldn't sometimes with anything. But he was still figuring out how he felt about everything.

"He just told me I need to pay attention in class..." Bilbo said, hopefully they wouldn't press the situation anymore.

"If you say so..." Fili said.

Later that day

Bilbo thought about what Mr. oakenshield had said to him

'Well when you figure it out and talk to me and we can fix the problem.' ranged in his head over and over. He would like to tell Mr. Oakenshield that he was the reason why he couldn't focus. Damn him and his beautiful eyes and his gorgeous face that he wish to kiss so bad. Every time he stared Mr. Oakenshield he started thinking about all the things he would do to him.

'Damnit maybe I should tell him...' Bilbo thought. ' No it will be awkward.'

'but you can tell him how you really feel about him!'

'NO, he won't return the feelings, he obviously doesn't like you, he is a teacher!'

Bilbo kept arguing with himself all day until he finally made the decision to tell Mr. Oakenshield. But of course who was there to stop him, Fili and Kili.

"Hey Bilbo! Where you going?" Fili asked stepping in front of Bilbo. Kili did the same.

"Im going to see Mr. Oakenshield." Bilbo said with a straight face.

"Hmm well good luck then." Kili said with a big grin on his face.

"Yeah whatever." Bilbo replied while shoving the two brothers out of his way.

"Okay then see you tomorrow Bilbo." Kili said waving to him, Fili also. Bilbo kept walking, he just wanted to get this weight of his chest. He didn't care if Mr. Oakenshield didn't feel the same, he obviously didn't. Eventually Bilbo started thinking about Mr. Oakenshield stripping him of his clothes while running his hands all over his body. Having him explore his mouth with his tongue. Filling him up with his big cock...

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