For quite some time, Sadie and Ethan share a newfound friendship—not until one ghosts the other though.
13th of August, 2020
Rodriguez, Rizal
Dear Ethan,
Ew, you think we'd be besties? You wish. But a guy can try, okay. Sure. And I'm certain I'd see you soon, Ethan. I can't not see you; I still owe you a punch on your arm. Anyway, I'm not gonna lie that you somehow made me a tad happy *sigh* because of your letters. Don't rejoice, and don't be too proud; this is only for today and for the sake of thanking you. Jeez.
Thank you for not blackmailing me, and thank you for taking the time to write and send me a letter, Ethan. I have no ideas on who you are or what you do, but uh, it's kind of you to keep a sad stranger company, hahaha. And you're right; it's foolish for me to throw away a diary that contains all my secrets and information. I want to scream in frustration. How am I this foolish? Aaaaaaah! But uh, yes, thanks, Ethan; I won't do stupid things ever again. Ever. Thanks for the reminder.
Aaaand yes, I don't have social media right now. I deactivated all of them months ago; they only add up to my insecurities and troubles. Plus, the news is getting more depressing every day. I just watch the television sometimes to keep myself updated. FYI, even if you force me to give my social media to you, I won't. You can dream. Anyway, are you serious? Of course I love iced coffee. Of course I drink coffee! That's practically a requirement for surviving these days and a basic necessity in university. What's your fave? I like iced coffee mocha. I like coffee so much that Java Chip is my ultimate frappe flavor.
Okay, let me get this straight. I will NEVER say your magic word T_T but, please do. God knows how much I dream to have real sunflowers and not plastic ones from the market. And I don't even want to purchase one; it's too expensive! So, yes, Ethan—I give you my permission to plant sunflower seeds for me. Sadie approves, and Sadie thanks you so much. And by the way, your Lolo seems like a cool man! I want to meet him someday. Oh no, I miss my Lolo even when he's only downstairs!
My favorite color is yellow, Ethan. Dusky and light and mustard, sometimes yellow with patches of orange. I love the yellow in sunflowers and the sun's, traces of yellow on my dress that my Lola made for me. I adore yellow and its vibe of cheeriness and positivity, even when I lost it long ago. My most-loved color is basically yellow—and all shades of it.
You know what? You just left me speechless. All I can say is...well, I'm grateful, Ethan. And it means a lot to me as well to know that I'm not alone in this journey. That I have you, even if you're practically still a stranger to me. You know what? Tell me about yourself. What about you, Ethan? Who are you in this one hell of a world?
P.S. What's your favorite color? <3
Their exchanging of letters had continued for months, casting joy upon Sadie's clouded heart. Ethan's letters had somehow sparked again the hope that she had lost long before, and she couldn't be more grateful for creating a friendship with the young man.
For quite some time of anonymously trading notes to one another, the two unveiled more secrets, stories, and daydreams. Ethan turns out to be a sophomore while Sadie just entered university; she learned that Ethan adored ocean blue with a mix of cerulean and that he brilliantly plays the piano.
Sadie anticipated his letters so much that when it's a Saturday, she'd giddily wait outside the house, waiting for the mailman to arrive. Enthusiastic about reading whatever it is that the young man had written to her because when he thought they could be friends, Sadie started to feel something more; and so does Ethan.

Dear Sadie
Teen FictionDisheartened because of the recent dreadful events, introvert Sadie writes her last journal entry in her diary before leaving it in a garbage bin across town. The diary being the only friend Sadie ever has and has ever written to; she is surprised w...