Bonus Chapter- Addi and Jake /New ending for SWOWU/ New books

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"why is my tongue pink?" I asked in wonder as Colette and Alex sighed in frustration.

Didi rolled her eyes and picked at her salad, "seriously J, you've been at this for two whole days. Give it a rest" she brought her fingers to her forehead.

I sighed and looked away from the freshmen girls who were checking me out and giggling, "I don't know guys, lately I've felt incomplete, like I'm missing know?" I murmured.

Colette smiled, "so in other words, you need a girlfriend"

"he needs a brain transplant not a girlfriend" Alex chuckled and Didi laughed with him while Hunter continued reading his book.

I regarded Hunter carefully, "you okay dude? You're more quiet than usual"

Colette threw her fries at him, "hey! Mr Tall Dark and Brooding, are you even paying attention?"

He glanced at me and then Colette, "course I am, Jake needs a girlfriend, Alex is a coward, Didi seems depressed and you need to stop smiling so brightly. Same old same old" he said in a bored voice and Colette snickered at Alex's angry expression.

I huffed, " I don't need a girlfriend"

Relationships were much too stressful for me, plus girls are frustrating.

"yes you do" they all echoed together and I glared at them, "I'm perfectly fine on my own"

"sure you are" Didi said sarcastically and I pursed my lips and stood up.

My mind whirled with new prospects and ideas and a smile made it's way to my face, "fine, I'm going to find one then"

They stared at me like I had grown 3 heads-which would be totally cool.

"what? You guys don't think I could fall in love and get a girlfriend in a few minutes?" I asked, confused.

Colette moved closer to me with a concerned face, "Jake...honey...that's not how it works..."

"maybe you should just sit down" Didi smiled-a little to widely if you ask me.

I moved my hand away from her reach and crossed my arms, "what? you guys don't see me as relationship material?"

"no no no, you're perfect! We just feel you might not know what a relationship is and get yourself into-"

" stop right there Letty, I am perfectly capable of getting a girlfriend, and I know exactly how relationships work. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a girlfriend to catch" I raised my chin slightly and turned around.

"they aren't fish Jake! Please don't do anything stupid!" Didi yelled after me.

"be back before your curfew!" Colette added.

"make sure she's not a bitch!" Alex yelled and I gave them the finger as I walked out of the cafeteria.

I fiddled with the ring on my finger as I looked at all the different girls who smiled at me as they passed, my name falling from their lips in greeting and their eyes roaming over my body.

I gulped nervously, twirling my ring even more visciously, why were they looking at me like that? Did they know? Wait-do girls smell fear?! I sniffed my shirt slightly, I don't think I smell-

"hi Jake!"

I flinched and grimaced slightly when I saw Stacy smiling up at me, she was pretty-in her own special way-and had nice brown hair. But she wont do...Alex said no bitches and he calls her that everyday.

But I caught him making out with her last week so I don't know..

"hi Stacy" I said and raked my brain for what to say next, do I just ask her now? I don't feel like I'm in love with her though.

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