07~smash his balls with my ice cream cone

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07~smash his balls with my ice cream cone

Its Friday.


Finally, this has been one heck of a week. I haven't spoken to Hunter or his friends since Tuesday.

Well, everyone except Alex that is. We've suprisingly become really close over the last two days. Funny how I'm now close friends with the best friend of the guy I hate and avoid.

Colette and Didi have been trying their best to talk to me, but I always avoid them. Which means not coming to the cafeteria or sitting with other people during class.

I'm only still talking to Alex because he hasn't tried pushing me to talk to Hunter, and I'm really grateful for that. Besides that, he's really cool.

More opressing matters, Stephan hasn't talked to me since Tuesday and its killing me.

The only reason we even manage to stay in the same room sometimes is because of Steven, but even then he refuses to acknowledge me.

Oh and lets not forgot how I am now number 1 on every girl in school's hitlist. Something about hogging all the hot guys to myself.

And also something about Hunter ignoring every girl's request to get it on.

I have no idea how that has to do with me, maybe they have bad breath and it scares him away.

Anyways I don't give a damn.

I get ready and head for school but not before I heard a voice.

"Stephanie?" It was Stephan and it looked like he was just waking up, he had dark circles under his eyes and red eyes.

"Hey Stephan" I gave him a small smile. Work was killing him.

"Why are you heading to school at 6:30 am?" He asked.

I spat out the orange juice I was slurping, "Wh-what?!"

I looked at the time on my phone and sure enough 6:33 flashed at me. I looked up at him confused, "but my alarm w-"

I paused. That bastard!!!

Stephan seemed to realize it too as he widened his eyes, "now Steph don't do anything-"

"STEVEN BENJAMIN BARNY MONICA ROBERTS!!" I stomped past Stephan and headed to his room.

"-stupid" Stephan ran his hand over his face in annoyance and amusement.

I went up the flight of stairs not even pausing to catch a breath and got to his door. It was locked.

I swore under my breathe and took of my jacket. I heard a ding and saw Stephan come out of the elevator.

Huh. Why didn't I think of that?

He made his way over to me, "its locked, he's asleep. Let it go"

I stared at the door, 'Steven's Domain' written in red with Steven's chicken writing staring back at me.

"Like hell I will" I sneered.

I raised my foot and with all my strength ninja kicked the door open.

I ignored Stephan's yells and curses and made my way over to the king sized bed ready for war.

"You motherfucking assholic bastardbitch!" I threw the covers and got ready to pounce but instead of a body, I saw a note.

Darling sister,

Right now I'm sure you're very pissed off, you've run up the stairs, kicked down my door (what the actual fuck?!), and stormed into my room (looking very unladylike I persume). I am currently unavailable at the moment because I'd rather have my dick to not be torn off my body, I also think you should see a therapist because of your mental health. I am not sorry I did what I did and I want you to know wherever I am......I would probably be laughing my ass off at you.

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