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I hummed along to the song lightly playing on the radio as I pulled up to the sleek building. If Jax was going to be annoying and ignore my calls, then I am going to have put matters into my own hands.

I put my Tesla into one of the five reserved parking spots he has in the garage and walked myself to the lobby of the building. Whatever song was on the radio was quite catchy because it was now stuck in my head. As the same three lyrics went in a loop in my head, I nodded towards the doorman Ivan and his posture noticeably straightened when he caught my eye.

"Mr. Edwards." He kept his professional tone and slightly bowed his head before going to press the code for the elevator to take me straight to Jaxon's penthouse. I stepped into the elevator with my hands in my pockets and waited for the doors to close as Ivan awkwardly stood in front of it.

The elevator ride to the forty-second floor was a good five seconds and the sudden ride always made me a little wobbly as I walked into the open layout. I halted my steps as I took in the familiar yet different surroundings.

Nothing had moved or changed but it was undoubtedly cleaner. The black granite countertops in the kitchen looked sparkly rather than matte, the wood floors looked as if they had been wiped clean of previous party stains and there was a certain aroma in the air that didn't contain much of Jaxon's suffocating cologne and his signature Jameson scent. 

After a few seconds of pure curiosity, I took one last suspicious look at the layout and walked towards his bedroom. I knew he was home because I saw his car parked in the garage but I don't remember the last time he had closed his bedroom door, especially since he lived alone.

I help myself and bust open his bedroom door, only to be met with the distinct smell of sex and sweat in the air. My eyes wouldn't tear away from the ruffled up comforter and a frightened Jaxon.

I stifled my laugh as I kept my eyes on him and he yelled at me to get out of his bedroom. I fake an offended facial expression at the fact that he doesn't want to share his fun and place my hand on my chest. I notice the comforter shift a little down and I move my eyes to his girl of the day.

Big eyes and brown hair, Jaxon's typical type. She definitely looks familiar from the eyes up, since that's the only thing she is allowing the comforter to show me. "Um, hello?" She looks over at Jaxon and nudges her head towards me. I amusingly look back at him and he is still in a bewildered state.

"Dude, OUT!"

I step out of his room and wait outside his door. I hear whispers coming in from inside and I start to pace back and forth out of boredom. They're treating me like I'm the child that just walked into their parents having sex. We're all grown-ups here and we have sex and I do feel kind of offended that he did not inform me about this part of his life. The part where he is now having sex with woman in broad daylight inside of his clean home and kicking out his best friend that he tends to have threesomes with.

As my thoughts start to go back to the times we would have our fun threesomes, I also think about how it has been quite a while since they've happened. I pucker my lips as I go into my thoughts but am quickly brought back by a disoriented Jaxon.

I turn my head to him, my face going back to its amused smug look. "Harry, what the fuck? You couldn't have knocked?" He was out of breath.

"When have I ever knocked? I never had a reason to." I could tell my proud demeanor was pissing him off because he had his hands on his bare hips and his lips were pursed, as if he was forcing words to stay inside his mouth. 

"Just-" He shut his eyes and pinched his nose with one hand still on his hip, "Just knock next time, alright? What you need anyways?" He looks at me through his hand.

Lie to Me // Harry Styles A.U.Where stories live. Discover now