chapter fourteen

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When I got home, I opened the front door and stopped short. 

I heard the twins arguing somewhere in the house, they were ridiculously loud as their words echoed all the way to where I stood. I winced, loud noises were really not my thing, and I wasn't in the mood to listen to their argument, which was most likely over something minuscule. Twin banter could be really annoying sometimes.

I sighed and closed the front door before slumping onto the steps of our front porch. Their arguing was muted at least and I glanced down at my phone, Mikeal should be coming home soon, so I figured it wasn't all that bad. 

In the distance, thunder rumbled with the promise of a storm before night fell over the city. I was anxious but I wasn't scared of the storm this time. I was honestly more scared of confronting my oldest brother. I had no idea how he would respond, if at all, but I promised Malia I would try. I couldn't be a chicken already, I just needed to say what's been going on.

I didn't figure Ezra was home, he didn't like the twins arguing either and often left when they happened. I hoped he was at a job and not a bar downtown again. The atmosphere was so tense between all of us now, nobody spoke in the daylight about the events that had happened at night. I hoped that by talking to Mikeal, maybe some things could be resolved. 

After a few more minutes passed, I realized that I might be wasting my time because Mikeal could be working overtime. Lately, he was becoming a ghost, here and there, but always gone in the next second. I hadn't lied to Malia when I said he was busy. 

We needed to talk, as two adults, with siblings to support. I couldn't really believe that I was the one that had to put my foot down, I always expected it to be Mikeal. He was calm and collected and he liked to be in control. But, I guess, unhealed trauma can damage everyone. 

I was drawn from my thoughts by a car door closing. I glanced at the driveway and I saw Mikeal retrieving his things from the passenger seat of the car. When he turned around and our eyes met, I could see the mask that slipped over his features. 

"Everything okay?" He asked, stopping in front of me with his suit jacket slung over his arm. It was a casual gesture, as if everything was completely normal, and it wasn't. 

"No," I answered, and then before I could stop myself, I blurted the heaviest words on my heart, "Do you even care about us?" 

His expression instantly froze, eyes slightly widening. "Of course I do, why would you ask something like that?" His tone was slightly offended but I didn't care. I had his attention and I would keep it because I was tired of letting him slip away. There was another rumble of thunder in the distance. 

I shrugged, "Maybe it's because I feel like you are never around anymore. We hardly talk. You just seem so busy with work, like that's the only thing you care about," I frowned at him, "Do you even know what's been going on here?" 

He was quiet for a long pause. Blue eyes trying to understand me and I only gave him frustration. "I guess not," He finally said. 

"Okay, well, Roman came home the night before last battered from another fight, which has been happening a lot recently," I couldn't hide the condescending tone I had but I was going to say what needed to be said, "He never talks about it. Julian is sometimes in those fights but he won't talk either. Oh, and Julian has been having night terrors again," I didn't even pause more than a breath as I watched Mikeal's face transform with grief, "But anyway, Ezra was drunk off his ass that same night," His face fell with disappointment, "And he told me that we only have six dollars left after our bills, which you neglected to tell me--" 

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