chapter thirty-four

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I was holding my breath. 

"What the fuck was that?" Ezra's voice demanded through the dark. 

"I think lightning struck the house!" Roman exclaimed. 

"Where's Julian?" I found myself squeaking. I blinked and glanced around but it was as if I had my eyelids closed, I really couldn't see anything. That is until another lightning strike flashed through the kitchen and I saw my brothers hadn't left their previous positions. 

"I'm here!" Julian called out from a short distance away, right before the next crack of thunder boomed in our eardrums, "That was really unexpected." When he spoke again, he sounded much closer and I reached out for him.

I was already scared enough of thunderstorms and sitting in the dark was only making it worse. My own fingers were trembling as they desperately latched onto Julian's shirt. Or at least, I had hoped it was his shirt. I tugged whoever it was closer as if they could protect me. 

Gentle hands rubbed my forearm to ease my death grip. "It's okay, just a stupid storm," Julian's voice wasn't loud enough for everyone to hear, and I calmed a little. "It will always pass." He stayed beside me in the dark, which I was grateful for, and I let my fingers stay resting on his chest so I could feel his breathing. I tried to keep mine in sync, even when my heart kept pounding. 

Another bright light illuminated the kitchen and I thought it was more lightning until I realized Roman had his phone in his hand with the flashlight on. He shined it around at all of us. We were like trees, utterly still and rooted to the ground, as if the storm would take us if we moved. 

"I don't think the power is going to come back on until the storm passes," Mikeal finally spoke, his voice so calm despite the downpour that unleashed its wrath upon the earth outside, "We should find flashlights." 

"What about something to eat?" Ezra said, "Please don't tell me all we have to eat are those burnt-ass cookies." 


Mikeal cut off Roman. "There are nonperishables in the pantry, we aren't going to starve for one night." 

"Stupid fucking weather," Ezra grumbled. 

Roman's phone looked as if it was floating as he moved to the pantry. I couldn't see any other part of him, just the bright light, until more lightning would briefly illuminate him. I turned my head and watched Ezra walk closer to the kitchen window to peer out. 

If I were him, I would have never. Mom always said to get away from the windows when it stormed. I didn't know what would happen but I had listened out of my own fear. I wanted to tell Ezra to get away from the window but I knew he wouldn't listen. 

"Neighbors don't have power either," Ezra stated, "I bet the whole city is in the dark." 

"It will probably be morning before we get power back," Mikeal didn't seem bothered. I could only see his shadow on the outskirts of Roman's phone light. "We should go to bed." 

Suddenly, Roman turned to us. "I have a paper due at midnight," He exclaimed, "Shit, I'm going to miss the deadline now!" 

"Calm the fuck down," Ezra snapped, "It's not your fault the weather decided to throw a hissy fit and is making us suffer in the meantime." 

"We are not suffering," Mikeal interjected, "Stop acting like its the end of the world." 

"I'll get a zero! I'm barely even surviving in that class anyway!" 

"Will you shut up?!" Ezra was irritated. 

"Easy for you to say!" 

Julian and I remained eerily silent as we listened to Ezra and Roman argue. Mikeal had all but given up with a long sigh. Every so often, lighting would flash and thunder would roll through the clouds with threatening force, which only continued to add suspense. 

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