chapter forty-four

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Dawn had came and went without waking me.

Instead, I woke up late in the morning to someone knocking on my door. I was disorientated and my vision was blurry as my eyelids flew open. My ceiling came into focus and then after another knock on my door, whoever it was invited themselves in. I felt the bed move as Finley got up and jumped down to greet the morning guest. 

"Are you dead?" Julian's amused voice reached my ears. 

I pulled myself up into a sitting position, rubbing at my eyes, and yawning. "Uh, no? Unless I'm a Vampire, you know, can't be seen in the sunlight," I joked. 

"It's eleven--" He stopped mid-sentence when he realized I wasn't alone and it was only then that I remembered my best friend had shown up at midnight last night, and she had stayed.

His eyes instantly flickered towards Malia in question. It wasn't a demand or even suspicion but rather soft curiosity because we all knew I never brought my friends to the house. Even if Malia checked all of those categories, and I had begged her to come over, she hadn't. Until now. 

"Bad fight," I whispered and those two words were enough to cast us into a memory that truly belonged in the past. 

It wasn't a secret that Ezra and Dad had never seen eye to eye. They were usually fighting day in and day out over things that seemed pointless. I could still remember those less than happy memories like they had happened yesterday. A few times, Julian and I had hidden in Mikeal's room while the fights happened, and we knew it was over when doors slammed.  

If Dad had a least favorite kid, Ezra was it. 

Julian gave a slight nod to my short explanation and something akin to understanding filled his hazel eyes. He was remembering those days just like I, and we both knew how taxing fights could be, which was why Malia could never be a stranger.

Maybe that's why the world was intent on breaking everyone because somehow, in the end, we managed to grow from those tiny pieces and we can connect with those going through similar issues. It was incredibly ironic that we could be strong in our most broken pieces, that those cracks only let the light shine in, and it creates a sanctuary. 

It was like that old Chinese tradition when pottery breaks, they mend the pieces back together with gold, and the pieces end up being stronger than ever before. But, it is all in the process of fixing and growing after the shattering happens. Oftentimes, those pieces ending up being utterly beautiful despite their fall. 

Exactly like Kintsugi, we can embrace our imperfections.

"Mikeal said to invite her to breakfast," were Julian's next words. 

I think my eyes about bugged out of my head. "How did he know?" 

"He checks on everyone at night," Julian winked at me, "But I guess you wouldn't know because you go to bed like an old Grandma." 

"I do not," I scoffed, "I get up earlier than you." 

"Exactly, like a Grandma." 

"Whatever," I stuck my tongue out at him. 

To my utter surprise, Julian stuck his tongue out right back at me. We both snorted and goofy grins covered our faces before he shook his head and left my room. Finley followed after him, tail wagging and all. 

After the soft click of my door closing, I looked at my best friend. She was still fast asleep. Oblivious to the fact that she couldn't escape now, my brothers knew she was here. I gently shook her shoulder. 

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