~i spoke~

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Chapter 4

The next day, I woke up to my cheek burning.
"You overslept little brat," my evil mother told me. I held my face in pain watching her leave the room and I waited for the front door to shut before getting up and ready. I didn't bother wearing makeup to cover my face today, it wasn't like anyone was going to see it.

Here I am again, turning the corner to school. Only day two and I already felt my stomach churning from nerves.

I looked up to see the whole gang of boys guarding the door like soldiers. Of course the fantastic three in the middle, jaden, josh and bryce. I sighed to myself planning my route inside but failing when I realised this was the only way in from the front of the building. I walked towards them, trying to not show fear. Josh lifted his head and I saw a bruise on his left eye. It was purple mixed with reds and blacks . I let out a hidden smirk under my hood knowing I hit him hard. I got close now and the three boys stood forward.

"Y/n, I don't believe we have met, I'm jaden. His here is my bud Bryce and that's... well you have met josh." I just stood there and josh added. "You not gonna speak, you did yesterday. What a baby." I was mad again. Do I have like anger issues or is he just so irritable he makes me this way? Before I could act the bell went and I pushed their shoulders apart to get through. I quickly headed to my locker because I was going to be late.

"We're gonna see that face of yours one way or another bitch." Bryce called behind me, I stuck my middle finger up at them all and walked into class just making the second bell.

I sat in the same place as yesterday for English and the three jerks walked in a couple minutes later. "Hey y/n, I didn't see you before class." Sienna whispered next to me as the teacher began to teach. "Those assholes held me up" I replied turning my covered face in the area of you know who.

"Y/n, since your so keen on talking to your friend here why don't you say your thoughts on the book we are reading?" Boomed my teacher from the front. Sienna helped me by saying, "Sir it was my fault I can do it not her." Thank god I have her as a friend, I don't know what I would have done. But unfortunately it didn't work, mr green insisted. "That's very nice of you but I think it would be good to hear a point of view from a new student." My heart was beating fast and my legs felt wobbly as I stood up and made my way to the front. All eyes were on me including the three boys, especially jadens. I actually did have an high opinion on this book, so if I had to speak I was gonna do it right.

"I personally really dislike this book. It's about a man picking a described as less attractive white women over my very gorgeous black women. This shows racism with the fact that the man picks who he can date like there objects and because she is white. By reading his dairy we are taught to feel bad because he is poor but I don't. He is a racist man who back then may be poor but at least had the right to vote unlike black people or women. Also, do other white men prevailed things. So no sir, I don't like the book. Is that the fresh opinion from the new student that you wanted?" I said proud and with no stutter. PERIOD queen! I kinda rocked that. As I kept talking the confidence grew and I was passionate about what I was saying.

Jadens POV:
As I hear the first words leave her mouth I was like josh yesterday, in complete shock and amazement. She sounded like a goddess sent from heaven and the way she was so bold and outgoing about what said was admirable. Although I was in a trans, I still listened to everything she said and agreed with it all this book was overrated.

When she stopped I almost felt sad about it. It was silent for a second then everyone started clapping and so did I. Wow. Just wow.

She sat down and I just stared at her the whole time probably looking creepy until class ended for lunch. I'm never like this, I haven't even seen her face and I'm hooked.

Y/n's POV:
I sat down happy and sienna gave me one of her famous beaming smiles. This was the first time I felt good about my self in a while. I felt jaden staring the rest of the class but not in a creepy way, it felt more of an impressed look that I also saw when I punched his best friend.

Class was over now, me and sienna headed to the cafeteria. My first time since we were in the toilets all of yesterday's lunch.

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