~"weakness isn't a fault"~

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Chapter 24

Y/n's POV:
I woke up to my alarm coming from my phone, I forgot to turn it off as I was at jadens. Wait! I'm a jadens. I shoot up and my eyes opened fast, resting my hands on the bed with straight arms. I think I only just realised how bad this was going to be, why did I agree?

Once somewhat calm, I took a baring of my surroundings and viewed down at my hand and focusing on a soft material not a hard floor. My eyes examined, how did I end up sleeping on his bed? Did he sleep with me?

Jaden wasn't to be seen but down next to me, the place I thought I was sleeping, I saw had clearly been slept in or was that just from me?

I scratched my scalp and after, slammed my hands on my phone to turn of the constant chimes. Then, I checked it for messages, as normal none appeared. I sighed and saw the time was 7, school staring in an hour or so. Do I get ready? Nah, first I'll find my host.

I got up reluctantly, my own laziness trying to drag me back down. I think that was the best bed I've ever slept in, I guess the fact he was rich had benefits. I opened the door to a smell of pancakes and my mouth watered. I haven't had a proper breakfast since before my dad left. I didn't know where to go but I follow the scent like a hungry dog, relying on the boys words of that his parents have already left.

I found my way to the kitchen and saw jaden with his shirtless back to me, "um, hey." I said awkwardly and trying not to scare him. He twisted to faced me and I found myself looking down at his defined abs. You know the middle, not skinny or muscular like a bodybuilder but in between. I kinda see why the other girls are attracted n- "good morning... y/n, what you looking at there?" He said smirking snapping me out of my delusion, I don't find him hot. What's wrong with me?

"N-nothing, you made pancakes?" I said trying to change the subject, my checks turning red from embarrassment. "Yeah I did, want some?" I nodded slightly smiling, a bit confused. He was being nice, too nice if you ask me. I sat at the island table in the middle of the room and waited quietly for him to finish.

Before I knew it, he turned around after switching the stove off, with two pancakes on white plates. My smile beamed now and I didn't question his kindness but accepted it. Then he asked what I wanted on it, "Can I do it myself?" I questioned hoping for a yes and he nodded raising an eyebrow in curiosity of my next action. I got the cream and strawberries from the counter and started my masterpiece. Well I wouldn't say that, it was a smily face but I tried to make it just like old times.

Proud of my creation, my eyes finally drifted up to not jaden in front but next to me on a stool and watching. He laughed and i smiled like the pancake but it faded quickly to a gaze while he dug in unaware. I kept looking and just didn't start eating. The happy boy next to me became concerned and he shook my shoulder to get me out of it. I turned to look at him and liquid was forming but not pouring out my eyes, I could control it. I was being dramatic and didn't want to ruin his efforts to cook for me.

I think he saw the water about to drip and squeezed my arm tighter, "hey, what's up?" I looked away and wiped my escaping tear with my arm. "It's nothing, thank you for making me pancakes. I appreciate it but I need to go get ready for school, you can have it."I tried to stand up and walk away but he pushed me back down, stern yet worried. "Talk to me princess,"jaden pushed for a response making us have eye contact throughout.

I didn't know whether to tell a person about it, I had never before. However, jaden made me feel different, I felt like he did genuinely care. So now it was time to let it out, be able to breath for once and not bubble it all up inside. I couldn't tell him everything bad in my life, we would be there forever but he might understand parents, he wasn't the closest with his from the looks of it, like me.

A deep breath came out and I could stall no longer, "I-um. I was thinking about my dad, he would make me pancakes all the time and draw a silly face on it. He was the best."I said but not smiling. "Was? Why aren't you happy, it sounds like a great memory, right?" The boy asked unsure. I hesitate but he still never looked away from me and I felt like mine were glued to him.

"It was great, he was great. But he-... he left me and my mother about two years ago. One day there, the next morning it was like he never existed. I guess the memory of him, made me sad because that's just it, it's a memory. I miss him and hate him at the same time. The asshole didn't even say goodbye." Now tears were imploding out dramatically and I sniffled finally breaking the eye to eye, hanging my head down.

"Y/n, look at me." I ignored him, "princess I need you to look at me, I'm only going to say this once." He said with intention. I did what he asked and felt is hand cup my left cheek and rubbing the water stains away. I saw a glint of it in his as well reflecting in the sunlight.

"I know I am a rich popular kid who sleeps with the whole school but I care about you y/n woods. And I hate to see you cry or in pain. Your dad didn't deserve someone like you, no one does. Okay? I'm not going to be all soppy but just know you don't have to be strong for me. Weakness isn't a fault."

He smiled sadly at me and pulled me into the second hug in the past 24 hours, the atmosphere settling to be calm. I put my chin on his bare shoulder and whispered back, "take your own advice, I like this side of you." And peaked his cheek before heading upstairs to get ready for school. What a interesting way to start the day.

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