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Nicole blinked her eyes open, waking up to a pounding headache

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Nicole blinked her eyes open, waking up to a pounding headache.

She squeezed her eyes shut and opened them again, trying to get the blurriness out of them.

Once she could see clearly, she furrowed her eyebrows and turned around coming face to face with Hawk, who's eyes were already open.

"Morning, sunflower." Hawk greeted.

"What the hell?" Nicole shrieked and sat up.

She placed a hand onto her head when she felt it throbbing even more from sitting up too fast.

"Hawk, why am I in your bed?" Nicole asked.

"You got completely wasted at the party last night and then when the cops came to shut it down, I grabbed you and brought you here." Hawk explained.

"Oh no. I didn't say anything embarrassing, did I?" Nicole furrowed her eyebrows.

Hawk bit his bottom lip and looked down at the bed.


"No," He lied. "You didn't."

Nicole let out a small breath and looked at the floor, a sudden worry filling her.

"But what happened to Court and Moon? And Demetri. Oh my god, and my sister? And is Mason still pissed at me? God, you're probably lying to me! I probably did say some dumb shit! Oh my god, what are my parents gonna say? How—."

"Hey!" Hawk grabbed her hands. "Sunflower, breathe, you're okay. Everyone's fine. Keene brought your sister somewhere safe, Courtney and Moon probably handled the situation, and as for Demetri, well he's gonna get what's coming to him." Hawk answered.

"Hawk, please leave him alone." Nicole shook her head.


"And for the love of god, why do you keep calling me that?"

"Because I—."

There was a sudden bang on the door from downstairs.

Nicole got up and went to Hawk's bedroom door, listening, Hawk staying put on his bed.

She quickly threw her hair into a messy ponytail as she listened.

Hearing the sound of her father's voice, she quickly found her things and threw the door open.

"Nicole, wait. Will you stay here for just a second. Please?" Hawk asked.

Nicole shook her head. "Do you want my dad to come in here and scream at you? He's probably already angry enough and I don't want to keep him waiting. I'll see you in school."

Hawk then sighed as Nicole left the room. As much as she wanted to go back in there, she knew that it was best for both of them that she didn't.

She quickly ran down the stairs and when she saw Daniel talking to Mrs. Moskowitz, she ran over to the door and hugged him.

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