Author's Note and Sequel

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I want to start with a big thank you to everyone who's been reading along as I post this. I might not have replied to every single comment you left on these chapters, but I definitely read them all and I loved seeing your reactions and getting your feedback. Most of it really helped me stay motivated whenever things got a little crazy on my side. So, thank you, honestly!

I wanted to try a few different things with this story, and if you read my other book I think it showed. Some things worked, others not so much — next time I'll shoot for a middle ground. But I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts on what worked for you and what didn't :)

One thing I wanted was to focus more on the main characters, especially because of the type of storyline they had. This meant less 'page time' for side plots and secondary characters, but I'll try to develop more of those in the sequel.

I also tried to do something here I already tried with Heart and Soul. I know a lot of my readers have some issues with a few of my characters — like, big issues. I read your comments, I know!

The thing is, though, when I read a book, I like my characters to be a bit shitty. So, that's the type of character I like to write too.

And by 'a bit shitty', I don't mean the dark, handsome guy who 'hates everyone but you'. I mean the type of shitty we all are a little bit, in one way or another, in real life. I like characters that are sometimes a little bit hard to like.

However, this time, I tried to make sure the flaws of the main characters showed a little more as well, so that there wouldn't be such a disparity. Not sure I did that so well in Heart and Soul. I wanted to give you moments when maybe you wanted to push Liam and Eli off a cliff just a little bit :)

That said... Yes, there will be a sequel. Yes, I had it planned from the beginning. And, yes, there's a 'time jump'. However, it's not going to be a complete cut and then they magically find each other again, so don't fear a drastic, traumatic moment or anything.

The first book ends with the end of the main characters' senior year and the second will start four to five years after this point, but these characters will keep in touch during that time gap. And you will get to see what happens in that time through flashbacks of sorts.

This is just a story that I wanted to set up during the main characters' high school years, but explore further as more mature people. Of course, if you did like the way it ended and you don't want to see any more of these characters, that is obviously fine. But if you liked this first book, please trust me and give the sequel a go!

I am not sure when I will have it ready, because I want to continue/start other projects during this month and see where my motivation leads me, but this is something I have every intention of finishing soon :)

That takes me to some questions!

Which characters would you like to see return in the sequel? And which ones would you like to see get a more focused side plot?

Do you have any expectations for the sequel? Or are there any plot devices/tropes that usually make a sequel a complete no-go for you? 

Any final thoughts on this story — character, pace or plot wise?

Feel free to skip the questions if you don't feel like answering ;) I just know some of you might like to leave your opinion here.

You should get news from me soon about what I'm planning to get out next, but I might continue inside the universe of Heart and Soul :)

If you read through this whole note, thank you for your time and your patience. And thanks, once again, for reading my story!

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