Chapter 1- Introduction

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My name is Alex Rose Colt, and i live in Starling city. I'm twenty-four years old. I have long straight black hair and ice blue eyes. I'm really pale. my friends always make fun of me for it, But I didn't care. My parents live in Starling City as well. I've kind of grown tired of this place, so I've decided to move. I saw online that in Central City there's a place called S.T.A.R. laboratories; and they are opening a partical accelerater in two days. I'm totally going to that! I have always loved science. When I was little I would do experiments in our basement. Let's just say I almost blew up the house once....okay maybe twice but that doesn't matter right now. I got my laptop and started looking for apartments in Central City. I found a couple around my budget and they look nice. I honestly don't care what the place looks like. I just want out of this city. So I just picked the one I liked best, and i'm moving tomorrow. There's so much danger here. Well we do have the Green arrow protecting us but still. Yeah the arrow is real but he doesn't have "super powers" though. He's just a regular human like me. I was cut off from my thoughts when my phone rang. It was my sister. "Hello?" I say in a low tone because I just woke up and it's seven o'clock in the morning. "Hey Alex! Mom and dad said you were moving. Is that true? " my sister says with sadness in her voice. "Yeah. Yeah it is." "Why?" She asks. "I'm tired of this place. I've been here for twenty-four years." I laugh. "Well that makes since." She chuckles. "You'll come back to visit right?" She asks. "Of course I will Max! I'll miss you too much so I'll have to visit at least twice a month." I say. Maxie is my younger sister, She's fifteen. She looks just like me except she's just a tad bit shorter than me, I'm really tall. "You better, or else I'll come beating on your door and I'll drag you back to Starling." She laughs. "Okay." I laugh. "Well I better go Lex, Mom's wanting me to go to the store with her." She groaned. "Haha okay good luck, I love you Max." I say and hang up. I got up out of bed and started the shower. I had lots of things to do today! Like packing, shopping for things for my new apartment, and who doesn't need new shoes. I quickly took a shower and got dressed. I threw on some light wash, ripped skinny jeans and a shirt that says "frys before guys" on the front. I've never really had a boyfriend before. I have always kept to myself. I put on my black converse and dried my hair. It didn't take long because it's not that thick. I fed my cat and grabbed my keys. I had a black dodge charger with pink racing stripes down the middle. I'd say my job at the police station as a forensic scientist pays really well. I drove to town and got some food. I DO NOT eat in my car, that's a huge no. I had to get boxes to put all my stuff in. Where do you even get boxes? Boxes 'R' us? I didn't know where to get them so I got my dad to get them for me. I don't know what to get for my new apartment! So I just went home. It was ten o'clock by then. My dad had dropped off the boxes for me before I got home. Ugh packing, this is going to suck. I didn't have much stuff, it's mainly clothes. I just want this day to be over so I can go on to central city to start my new life.


A/N- Hey guy's so there's the first chapter! I hoped you liked it! I'll probably update again soon! :) thanks my lovelies

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