Chapter 16- Should I call him?

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I couldn't take my mind off Barry using the T.V, so I'm gonna have to try another way. I looked on the coffee table in front of me, and the peice of paper that the cute blonde guy gave me was lying on it. Should I call him? I'm still not over Barry, but I think if I met someone else it would be easier. I grabbed the paper and unfolded it, and there was a number written on it. I took a deep breath and dialed the number. "Hello?" A male voice said. "Um hi, is this Jared?" I ask. "Yeah, who's this?" "Alex, the girl you saw at the pizza place today." "Oh yeah! So you finally decided to call me huh." "It's only been about and hour, but yeah." I laughed. There was a tiny moment of silence before he spoke again, "so do you want to hang out sometime?" "Uh yeah, sure that'd be awesome." "Cool, I'll meet you at the frozen yogurt place dowtown in about an hour, then do something fun." "Awesome! See you then!" I say and hang up the phone. Oh man, I have a date tonight. I better find something to wear, but first....let me go tell Ashlyn. Haha you thought I was gonna say selfie didn't you, but you thought wrong. I get up and walk out of my door and knock on hers. "Alex what's up." She says looking shocked that I'm here. "YeahIhaveadatetonightandijustthoughtiwouldtellyouokaybyenow." I say really really fast and turn around to go in my apartment. "Woah woah wait, hold up." Ashlyn says grabbing my shoulder. "Did you just...say you had a date tonight?" she adds. "I may have." I say biting my lip. "OH MY GOSH IS IT THAT CUTE BLONDE GUY WITH THE CURLS?!" She gasps. "B**CH IT MIGHT BE!" I squeal. "YAY!" She laughs. We both start laughing really hard. "I'm glad you're going out there and having fun, and not being all depressed over Barry." Ashlyn smiles. "That's the thing, I don't know if I can get over him." I frown. "I'm sure you will." "I hope so." "Okay don't be sad, go get ready for your date and have a good time!" Ashlyn says pushing me into my apartment. "Okay bye." I laugh shutting the door. I go into my closet and put on: a long sleeved pink shirt with a picture of a black bow on the front, denim short shorts with some rips in them, and pink converse. I pushed up my sleeves to where they would be on my elbows, and put on a small sliver bracelet with studs on it. I brushed my hair and put it in a messy french braid, and it fell to the side. I curled my bangs that were hanging down so they wouldn't be in my face. I was ready so I grabbed my cross body purse and put it on, so I wouldn't drop it when I ran. I put my phone in my bag and took off towards town. I slid on my feet to a stop behind the Fro-yo place, and I could smell the burning rubber from my converse. Luckily, my feet weren't on fire. I fixed my hair that the wind blew everywhere, and walked around the building. When I walked in there sat the gorgeous blonde curly haired guy. "Hi." I smiled and walked over to him. "Hey, you look pretty." Jared said smiling. I started blushing, so I looked away. "Oh come on sweetheart, don't do that." He laughed. "Okay for starters, I'm not your 'sweetheart' and second, don't do what." I laugh. "Look away like that, I saw you blushing, I'm not blind," He laughed, "Let's go get some yogurt.". We got our yogurt, and went outside to sit. "So where are you from?" Jared asked. "Starling City." I reply shoving a spoonfull of yogurt in my mouth. "Cool! Me too!" He laughs. "Really? What part?" I ask. "The Glades." "Oh, I lived kinda on the outskirts of Starling." "Why did you move here?" He asked. "Well, I wanted to see the opening of the partical accelerater, and I wanted to get out of Starling." "Oh man, where you there when it blew up?" "No, my dad got in a car wreck, and i had to leave early, but it was raining and I hit a telephone pole. Then I got struck by lightning and was in a coma for nine months." "Dang, you must be fine because you're here, but is your dad okay?" "Yeah he's fine." I say taking my last bite of yogurt. "So what do you want to do?" I ask. "We could take a walk in the park?" Jared suggested. "Okay cool!" I smile and stand up. We walk across the street to this park thing, and follow the concrete path. "What's your full name?" Jared asked. "Why do you ask?" I laugh. "I don't know." He chuckles. I smile, "it's Alex Rose Colt. Yours?" "Jared Nelson." He says. "What's your middle name?" I ask. "Don't have one." He laughs. "Okay then." I laugh. He stopped walking and turned to face me. "What?" I ask. He says nothing. "What?!" I ask louder. He still says nothing. "WHAT!" I yell. He just looks at me. I cross my arms and put all my weight on my right leg. we stand there staring at each other for it feels like an hour, but i guess it wasn't. "Tag! You're it!" Jared yells touching my shoulder and takes off running. "Seriously?" I ask laughing "yep." He smiles and continues running. I sigh, "well here goes nothing." I run after him with normal speed, even running normally I'm pretty fast. I catch up to him and tap his shoulder. "Haha tag!" I laugh and start running east. I'm laughing so hard I can hardly run. I mean, I bet we look like a bunch of idiots because we're twenty-four year olds playing tag in the middle of a public park. "Watch out for that person!" Jared yellls. "Oh gosh!" I gasp coming to a complete stop before I crashed into a lady and her child. "Sorry." I apologize. "Tag!" Jared laughs touching my shoulder. "Hey! No fair I had to stop because of that lady and the kid" I fake pout. "Rules and rules." Jared smirks and crosses his arms. "Well in that case...." I laugh and tackle him. "Tag!" I giggle. "Um I'm pretty sure tackling isn't in the rules." He laughs. "Well it is now." I sass back. I got lost in his beautiful blue eyes, like how could one have such pretty eyes....Barry has beautiful eyes too, but his are green. No! Alex get Barry out of your head! You've moved on!....or have I? I like jared, but deep inside I kinda wish it was Barry. Ugh why must I feel like this!? "Hello?" Jared asked waving his hand over my face. "Oh sorry." I say. "I hate to be rude, but can you get off me please." Jared laughs. "Oh gosh sorry." I laugh and sit up. Me and Jared are sitting on the grass looking for four leaf clovers, we're being so much like five year olds today, but who cares. I don't. We were having so much fun!...till Cisco called me... "What is it Cisco?" I say kinda harshly. "We need you right now! And don't make any excuses, get your butt down here now! And hurry!" Cisco says and hangs up. "Uggghh!" I sigh and throw my head in my hands. "What's wrong?" Jared asks. "I'm sorry, but it's work I gotta go." I frown and stand up. "Aw okay, bye." He frowns and hugs me. Well I wasn't expecting that. And he's probably not gonna expect this. "I'll text you later." I whisper in his ear and plant a kiss on his cheek. His cheeks turn bright red. "Okay, bye Alex." He smiles "Bye Jared." I smile and walk off. Gosh I love Cisco like a brother, but right now I want to murder him. When I got out of sight from Jared and used my speed to get to S.T.A.R labs. "What is so important Cisco that you had to call and interrupt my date?!" I say harshly walking in the door not knowing that Barry was standing over to the side. "Date?" Barry asked hurt. "Yes Barry, a date." I say. "With who?" He asks. "None of your business." I say. "But seriously Cisco, what's going on?" I add. "There's a crazy genius lady that has an army of robotic bees that she controls to kill people, and she's planning on getting revenge Dr. Tina McGee." Cisco explains. "Um Okay." I say. "Hey Alex." A familiar female voice says. I turn around and Felicity is standing in front of me. "Ah Felicity! It's so good to see you!" I squeal hugging her. "Who's this?" I ask pointing at the tall dark haired hot guy. "This is my boyfriend, Ray." Felicity says. "Cool, it's nice to meet you." I say shaking Rays hand. "Ray is a friend of Ollies." Fel says. "Well any friend of Oliver is a friend of mine." I laugh. "I needed help with my suit, and Felicity said you guys could help me." Ray says. "Suit?" I ask. "Yeah I'm the Atom." He smiles. "Cool! Welcome to the Club!" I laugh. "But what are we gonna do about the bee lady?" I ask. "Oh yeah. Um well these bees are pretty big problem because they killed Barry, but we used the difibulater in his suit to bring him back. Cisco says "wait you died?" I ask Barry. "Well yeah technically." He says. "Dang." I say. "Guys look at at this." Dr. Wells says. We all go over to the monitors and it shows that the bees are attacking Dr. McGees office. "We need to stop this bug-eyed glasses woman." Cisco says. "And her mini bandits." Ray says "bug-eyed bandit." Cisco and Ray said in unison. "Gosh you guys are dorks." I laugh. "Guys stop the chit chat, theres a meta-human that controls killer robotic bees. We kinda need to stop her." Barry says. "Okay, I'll lead the bees away from the building, while Barry and Alex find the bug-eyed bandit, and Felicity you hack into her control system and shut down the bees." Okay got it!" I say changing into my suit in like two seconds. Barry was already in his suit, so he didn't have to change."Let's go guys." Barry says. "Okay." Me and Ray say. "Bee careful guys." Felicity said. "For real?" Barry asked. "Bad pun. Sorry, just don't die." Felicity says. Barry and I sped out but Ray flew out. Like what even! How is he flying? Hes not even a meta-human. Ray went to save Dr. Tina, while Barry and I go stop crazy lady. We got to the building she was in, but she was in the basement. There were thousands of bees in here oh my gosh! "Uh Felicity, are you about done doing whatever you do?" I ask through my ear peice. "Yeah one sec." She says. We get cornered by the bees and Felicity is having a hacking war with brie. All of a sudden the bees drop to the ground. "Yes!!!" Felicity yells. We started to go get brie, but Barry forgot the handcuffs. "Are you serious Barry?" I snap. "I'm sorry I thought I had them." Barry says. "Ugh, you go get Brie and I'll go get the cuffs." I say running out. I run as fast as i can back to S.T.A.R labs to grab the cuffs. When i got back Barry had Brie in a choke hold."let go." I say. "What?" Barry asked confused. "Let her go." I say again. Barry let brie loose, and i punched her in the face knocking her out. "She's annoying, I can't take it." I laugh and put the cuffs on her. "Even though you hate me, we still make a pretty good team." Barry laughs. "I don't hate you, Barry." I sigh. "Then why do you not talk to me anymore?" He asks. "I...i just don't know." I sigh and look down. "Help! Cisco was stung by one of the bees and he's dying!" Ray yells. Me, Barry, Felicity, and Ray are all connected through our ear pieces. "Oh my god we're on our way!" Barry yells. Barry and I run faster than ever to get to Cisco. We finally got to them and he was laying on the ground unconscious. "Is he dead?!" I ask. "I don't know!" Ray says. Barry checked his pulse and he was dead. "No." I say crying. "Wait let me try something." Barry says. I don't know what he did, but he made lightning come from his hands. He shocked Cisco's chest, but nothing happened at first. Barry put his head down, but then Cisco took a deep breath and opened his eyes. "CISCO!" I yell hugging him. "I don't know if my fear of bees is gone, or extremely worse." Cisco says. "You took a bee for me. Thanks buddy, you're a real hero." Ray laughs. "We better get back to S.T.A.R labs before anyone sees us." Caitlin said. We helped Cisco get in the van, the Barry and I took off running, and of course Ray used his awesome flying suit to get back to the lab. Caitlin and Cisco got back a few minutes later since they drove in the van. I met Felicity in the hallway after i took a shower and changed, and we were by ourselves. "Felicity, your boyfriend is HOT!" I whisper. "I know right. It's like I'm dating Barry in Oliver's Body." She said then gasped. I started dying laughing. "You must never speak of this to anyone!" Felicity said. "Okay, I promise." I laugh. We walk back in the main room together, and everybody was talking. "Im tired guys, I'm going home. Bye! It was nice meeting you Ray." I say. "Bye." They all said, and i walked out. I sped home and threw myself on my bed, and went to sleep.
A/N - omg guys thank you so much for 5.21k reads and 195 votes! That's insane!!! Also, this is super long chapter about this weeks episode! I just had to add some of the quotes because they were hilarious! Anyways i hope you guys liked this one and be patient Alarry is gonna happen soon!《Gotta run!....until next time!》

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