Part 1

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8 am

Your alarm blared, as you went to smack your hand down on the snooze button but missed, as you groaned opening your eyes, and squinting from the sunlight that was peeking in through your blinds.

Usually, you would be up already and at the gym, but last night you had to cover for someone else and didn't get out of the club until 2 am.

You sighed looking up at the ceiling listing off the things you wanted to get done, but since the costume that you wore last night got a tear in it, you would have to work on fixing it before starting anything else that you wanted to work on before going off to work in the late afternoon.


You had your sewing machine out trying to fix your costume to wear again tonight. You had others but this one was one of your favorites, a crop top, and bedazzled bottoms that were a matching set.

You always prided yourself on the fact that you always took the time to create your own costumes instead of buying them like the other girls. It made you stand out, which helped when it came to tips.

You never really wanted to be a stripper, but circumstances brought you to were you were. You had been going to design school out of high school, and once you realized that you couldn't balance tuition and paying rent after the first semester passed you by. Which led you to the quick choice of being a stripper since you had the dance skills from high school still rattling around in your head.

And it still lets you be creative when it came to costume design.

But it wasn't your dream, you still wanted to go back to school to get your degree to become a fashion designer.

As your sewing machine rattled away, you clicked in a cassette tape of KISS as you worked, humming along to the song, as you fixed the stitching on the bottoms that tore slightly from last night. Which made you smile to yourself cause you weren't even working the pole last night, you were helping the bartender take drink orders for the patrons, which made you quite a pretty penny in tips last night even after the cut you split with the bartender.


You parked your car outside the club, carrying your duffel bag with you that held your costume that you would change into, as well as your makeup.

You always took your stuff home every night, because you didn't trust that your personal locker wouldn't get broken into. Since you knew some of the girls were jealous of your unique costumes.

You walked through the back entrance, duffel bag slung over your shoulder, always the one for punctuality, you were the first girl to show up for the late afternoon shift that started at 3pm.

You went through the back entrance, and through another door where the dressing room was for the girls, as you settled your bag down on one of the chairs, as you got out your outfit that you decided to wear tonight, since based on the rotating schedule you were one of the main girls and that wasn't how the schedule reflected before, because before when you saw the schedule for this week last Friday it had you taking drink orders and giving lap dances tonight.

You narrowed your eyes at that.

Being the main act was good but ironically you made more working for the crowds while giving lapdances because as the main act you would only get the people that were close to the mainstage.

And right now you needed the extra cash to get an upgrade a sewing machine that you desperately wanted because it would make your work in the mornings sufficiently faster for you.

"Hey, charlie what's up with the schedule? Why am I the main act tonight?" You asked the bouncer as you walked into the main area of the strip club.

"I don't know I don't make the schedule. I just know that from the murmurs coming around in the last couple days that a couple of big shots are coming down to check out the place sometime tonight. So you walked around the place in hopes of finding the manager, John.

You opened the door to the manager's office and found John with a huge smile on his face, as you rolled your eyes.

"So I saw you put me on the main stage tonight even though last Friday the schedule said that I was working the floor. I would rather work the floor tonight." You said as you crossed your arms over your chest.

"Well, that was last week, when I didn't know that there were some very important people checking out the place. I need my best dancers working the stage tonight y/n." John said as you sighed.

"Come on, I covered for Amber last night when she was 'sick' staying later than I was scheduled. You know I'm always the one that covers for the other girls. Doesn't that entitle me to a little leeway with my placement? At least tonight." you said, as you waited.

And john sighed, as you smiled, kissing the side of his face.

"I knew I like you john!" you said, as you spun around and walked happily back to the dressing room, knowing that you would be able to purchase that new sewing machine tomorrow morning.


You slipped the spandex bottoms on over your thong underwear as you checked your reflection in the mirror making sure that your makeup was all in place before you went to put on the platform heels that you had customized to match your outfit that consisted of a purple sequin top and bottoms that matched with platforms that had stars that you had painted on.

You were going for a girl Starchild vibe with your outfit since your stage name was stardust. And the entire time that you had worked on this outfit you had Paul's dynasty outfit in your head, even adding a sequin star on your bottoms on the back as a special touch.

You took one more look, pulling your thong underwear higher so they could be seen, and moving your breasts to stick out more in the tiny top that barely covered them, before walking out to the main part of the strip club.

You immediately saw some regulars that were nice enough, and smiled in their direction, as you milled around the tables, getting drink orders for those that needed them.

What you didn't notice was the man that walked in with a small group that sat at the back, his eyes on you the entire night.

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