Part 4

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A couple days later...

You parked your car at the concert venue that John had directed you and the other ladies to go to for the special performance that you would be in tonight.

You got out wondering just who you were performing for, as you had your duffel bag containing one of your favorite costumes and your platform heels. You had the images of the men that talked to you at the club ingrained in your head, intent on giving any one of them the envelope full of money that was still in your duffel to them as quickly as you could. So that wouldn't be on your mind while performing tonight, which you weren't even told how long you were going to be here for.

Which was great, just great. You thought, as you walked towards one of the back entrances and walked through as people directed you through the maze that was the inner workings of the concert venue.

Through the numerous twists and turns you saw some signs for KISS, as you went to one of the dressing rooms, setting your bag down.

And it hit you.

You were performing with KISS, as your mind was trying to think of a good reason why they would need dancers, as your mind went to the most recent album and to the song, Take It Off.

"Shit..." you said, as you looked at your reflection in the mirror.

"Great just fucking great..." you said aloud, as you started taking your costume out to hang it up on one of the racks, trying to get the overwhelming feeling of anxiety that was sweeping over you.

You were performing with the band that you love, and you were doing it as a stripper.

You took a steadying breath.

This was the thing that could get you to get that really nice sewing machine and maybe get finally getting out of this job if they paid you enough.

Start working on more of the girls costumes and then branch out from there to get more work, and finally have your dream job as a designer.


You got off the stage, happy that the number was in the middle of the concert so you could get home without having to struggle to get out of the parking lot of the venue.

You went into the dressing room going through your duffel bag to change back into the clothes you came in wearing.

You took off your platform heels, stretching your feel against the cold concrete flooring, as you heard the door open, and standing there was Paul Stanley, with a big smile on his face.

"Knew I would find you in this labyrinth." He said, as your mouth went dry as you looked him up and down.

"You're the mystery man at the club, aren't you?" you asked, as he leaned against the doorframe, as he looked you up and down, as your hand went into the duffel bag grabbing the envelope,

"So that means that this is yours." You said as you passed the envelope to him, as he looked at it in his hand and then back towards you.

"Someone from the band had to come to help pick the girls. This was your personal tip from me from that night, since we were so far away from the main stage. Wanted to keep a distance to get a better view." Paul said, as he passed the envelope back to you.

"You have talent, which is why we picked you as the main girl. Even if you didn't get near any one of us though." he said, as you noted a slight sound of disappointment in his voice at the thought that you didn't rub up on him like a cat in heat like the other girls were doing during the song, as you did what you did best, dance.

"But i take it that stripping wasn't what you've always wanted to do since you were a little girl right? I'm thinking what, actress? Showgirl in vegas maybe?" he said as you narrowed your eyes at him.

And now you understood what people say about meeting your idols, that most of the time how they really act will burst your bubble about them.

"Clothing designer actually, if i'm being perfectly honest but I couldn't juggle tuition and paying rent coming out of high school so I became a stripper as a temporary measure. Which obviously wasn't so temporary since I've been at it for a couple years now." You said snappily.

"So if you don't mind keeping the charity money, and also the money that you were supposed to pay me for tonight and get out so I can change." You said, as you turned to face away from him.

You saw in your peripheral vision that Paul was still standing in the doorway, as one of the crew members came up to him.

"Mr. Stanley you are needed back onstage. The drum solo is almost over." the crew member said, as Paul handed the person the envelope that was in his hand.

You heard the sound of feet shuffling away, as you went to grab your clothes out of the duffle bag.

You were spun around and pinned against the makeup table as Paul brought his mouth down on you. Despite your current feelings towards him, you reciprocated until his previous statements to you were repeating themselves over and over in your head as you pulled away and slapped him, pushing him away from you.

"You're supposed to be onstage aren't you?" you asked, as you picked up your bag, putting your platform heels in your bag before storming out of the dressing room and out to your car, angry tears falling from your eyes as you walked to your car.

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