Part 2

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You were walking around and getting drink orders, meeting with the regulars, and catching up with them.

You felt eyes on you, which normally wouldn't bother you except this time when you looked over at a particular table that was in the back if felt like they were looking you over like you were some prized animal up for auction.

Every time you would look over when you saw them staring from your peripheral vision. You couldn't make out faces in the dimly lit.

Which made you second guess your thoughts about working the floor tonight. Because while working the floor gave you the advantage of making more tips, you also had to deal with the creepers that you try and put hands on you.

You were walking up to the bar, drink order slips in hand, as you leaned against the bar, and casually looked over to the offending table. Squinting your eyes all you could make out that it was at least 4 guys sitting at it, all of them wearing suits except for one that was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, with big poofy hair.

"So you know who the people that are coming here to check the place out?" you asked the bartender, Adam, as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no idea. I don't think John told anyone. Maybe to not scare any of the ladies tonight." he offered, as you walked behind the bar, helping him with the drink orders as you looked at one of the slips and noticed the drink order for what you were going to label as the annoying table since now you saw them literally shift in their seats to watch you help Adam with the drinks.

Maybe because they are so far away from the main stage? Probably because they can't see anything and they are desperate for any type of action apparently. You thought, as you started shaking up the drinks for the annoying table and setting them on a tray, as you placed it in your hand getting ready to walk over there.

Just as you were going to one of the other girls came up to the bar.

"Hey y/n, I was wondering if you could cover for me. I have an emergency." Charity said as you were expecting a fake facial expression that most of the girls would plaster to try and convince you to cover for them.

You already had it in mind already to tell her off when you looked at her and saw that she was almost in tears.

Your immediate thought was that she must've plucked an eyelash to start the waterworks but had second thoughts as she tried to explain to you why through broken sobs.

"Charity, whatever it is, go deal with it. I'll cover for you," you said, as you placed the tray down and knew that you would have to go to John to see what section Charity was working to cover for her section and yours.

Because she would only ask if John directed her towards you since he knew you were covering most of the floor tonight right? You thought as you went towards the front where the main stage was, and where he usually was throughout the night. It was a spot where he would have a wide view of the place to watch everyone in case one of the girls felt uncomfortable and wanted one of the bouncers to intervene.

"Charity asked me to fill in for her because she had an emergency. So what's her section of the floor that she's supposed to cover tonight?" you asked, as the slight smile that you had on your face disappeared at the look on his face as he sighed.

"She was scheduled to go on the main stage for a song. And I know that I said that you would be covering the floor tonight, but now you're going to have to at least go on the stage at least during her timeslot for one song," he said, as you sighed, just knowing that he was going to pick one of your selections of songs that were particularly on the long side.

John was a nice manager but you weren't born yesterday, he was going to still try and get every second that he could from you up onstage for whomever it was that was probably already here tonight.

Maybe the emergency wasn't even an emergency at all. Just a way to get you to do what you always did. Cave in for the other girls and worked longer shifts despite none of them showing you the same courtesy, save for a couple of the girls that were nice enough to fill in for you the couple of times that you called in sick.

You sighed and went back to the back to check the updated schedule and saw that Charity's spot was next, as you gritted your teeth in annoyance, as you heard the song that was playing come to an end as one of the girls came from out of the curtain fake smile coming off her face once the curtain closed.

"Oh y/n, so your filling in for Charity?" she said, as you sighed.

"Yeah 'filling in' more like John wants to just put me up there for whoever is here for god knows what reason other than to get a hard-on," you said seething because now you know the sewing machine that you wanted to buy tomorrow wasn't going to happen now.

"Hey I have a rip in one of my costumes can you fix it for me?" she asked, as you heard the announcer come over the sound system riling up the crowd for you.

"You can leave it by my locker, you know the deal you have to pay me tomorrow at the beginning of your shift or slip the envelope into my locker," you said, as you quickly stepped up the steps to the stage standing behind the curtain.

"Please welcome to the stage, Stardust." the announcer said, as your hand went to move the curtain as you plastered on as the song "heaven's on fire" started as your body immediately relaxed at the sound of something familiar for you to dance to.


As soon as "heaven's on fire" started playing over the speakers you heard the group in the back holler loudly as one of them started laughing, as you narrowed your eyes, thinking that they were laughing at you.

You looked out into the crowd as you started your routine wrapping your ankle around the pole, smiling to yourself with a plan in mind.

Oh, they would get a show, which would make them laughing at you now all the more enjoyable later when you went back onto the floor after your routine and right passed their table to not offer them any lap dances.

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