Part 6

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Your alarm blared it's 5am wake up call as you groaned, forgetting about your alarm in the whole drama with Paul.

You picked up the alarm clock and clicked off the alarm, knowing that John had made sure that with the performance you would have today.

That would be under the presumption that you actually would get keeping your paycheck from the gig though, you thought, as you sighed trying to close your eyes to get more sleep when you felt weight suddenly on your hip.

You moved your hand down to your hip, as your hand came into contact with a leg.

Your eyes went wide, as you quickly moved, turning around and seeing Paul sleeping soundly next to you, wearing nothing but boxers. And he was wet, or at least his hair was like he took a shower, as your sleep-addled brain remembered that after he got sick in your bathroom he ended up taking a shower.

And you had made up a spot for him on the couch.

That's where you left him early this morning, and now he was in your bed.

You quickly glanced down, just to make sure that you were wearing clothes, since you never know your better judgement might've flown out the window and slept with him.

You looked down seeing that you were still wearing the tank top and shorts, as you slowly got out of the bed. Going back to sleep wasn't an option anymore since you were wide awake even at 5am.

So busying yourself by making coffee would have to do, and then working on a couple more costumes that needed to be mended.

You walked into your small kitchen, opening up the top of the coffeemaker to throw out the old filter full of ground and set on making a fresh pot of coffee.

Filling up the carafe with water and filling the coffee maker with it then putting in a new filter full of fresh coffee grounds. You leaned against your counter watching it slowly percolate as you found that your mouth was watering at the scent of the freshly brewed coffee.

You went to your cupboard pulling out two coffee mugs then to the fridge to pull out some coffee creamer putting a splash in each, as you looked at the coffeemaker to check and see if it at least made enough to put in both mugs.

You squinted in the darkness, finding that it was barely at the 4 cup mark, so you walked to your bathroom, not wanting to see the state that he left your bathroom in as you slowly opened the door expecting the smell of vomit to hit you in the face.

But it didn't.

Did you clean it and not remember? Did he? You thought, as you went to the medicine cabinet to grab the bottle of ibuprofen, getting two of the tablets, and then thinking better of it and taking four out.

Cause you need two of them for the headache that you have the you know coffee isn't going to touch without the aspirin's help from your lack of sleep.

You pop two of them in your mouth, as you go back into the kitchen pouring some of the coffee into your mug and some into the other one that would be paul's. You quickly take a sip to help down the aspirin, as you hear the sound of shuffling feet.

You look over and see Paul walking into the kitchen, as you eyes went to his naked chest, as he stretched, then ran his hand over his face.

"Good morning?" you questioned, narrowing your eyes at him, as you held the mug of coffee for him and the aspirin in your other outstretched hand.

He took the mug without question and the aspirin as well down the pills.

As he took a couple of sips of the coffee he finally looked at you. As a look of realization hit him.

"Did i just wake up in your bed?" he asked, as you raised a brow at him.

"Yes that surprised me to. But I didn't want to wake you up. It's 5am, thought I could get some of my own work done before you woke up." you explained, as he smiled.

"Guess I was missing the warm body laying next to me." he said with a smirk, as you narrowed your eyes at him.

Even with a possible hangover he was trying to flirt, great. You thought, as you turned away, sipping at your coffee, willing it to work faster to get your headache to go away.

"You know I did have a point in coming here last night, or well early this morning." Paul said, as you turned around as he was over by your couch, where his clothes were laid out. He grabbed something from his jacket and handed it to you.

The envelope with the money, and a personally signed check.

You looked from the items that were in his hands then at his face.

"The other girls aren't going to see the check for their performance in at least a week, but I thought I would give it to you personally, plus the tip money from the time at the club. For you to get out of this business. You have a talent and I wasn't lying about that. Granted I could've gone about it not being a dick. And I'm sorry about that. Gene can get under my skin sometimes and I lash out at others as a result and last night you were the target. So take the money, and get yourself that new sewing machine." Paul said, as you looked at him.

"How do you know about me wanting to get a new sewing machine?" You ask, even though what you really wanted to know was how he even got the address for your place.

"The guys that came with me to the club were crew members, and a personal guard of mine. Said that while they were waiting for you to finish up the shift to explain the deal with the performance that your manager mentioned that you make your own costumes and that you were pissed about being put on the pole that night since you wouldn't have made as much to make up for the money to buy a new sewing machine. Since you also work on some of the girls costumes as well." Paul explained as he titled his head at you, pushing the check and the envelope into your hand, as you flipped the check over, seeing the amount as your eyes widened at it.

As Paul smiled, taking his clothes from the couch and putting them on.

"I know for a fact that I shouldn't be getting this much for one performance. For one song." You said, as you looked up just as Paul was shimmying on his pants, as your eyes landed directly to the bulge in his pants, as you shook your head and your eyes landed on his face as he was looking at you with a smirk on his face.

"Consider it your first official paycheck working for the band then?" he said, as he chuckled putting on his tshirt, then slipping his shoes on quickly.

"What are you talking about, working for the band?" you questioned as he looked at you with a smile as he grabbed his jacket.

"We are in need of a costume designer, someone to come on the road with us. Talked to our manager after the show last night and pointed out that your costume was made by you. He was totally down for it. Only thing left for you is to think about the offer. In a few days we'll be back on the road so I'll be around to see what your thoughts are on it. Plus you never know you might liked the added perks of working with the band." Paul said, as you looked at him, as his eyes scanned your body one last time before walking out of your apartment.

As all you could think was, well I'm gonna have to have more coffee to process this. As you went to the coffee maker, filling up your cup again and looking at the personally signed check, realizing that this didn't have anything marking on it that it was from KISS, but Paul personally, as you looked at the trailing zeros, plus the envelope money realizing that that was more than you made in a couple months time working at the club.

"God damnit Paul Stanley, you're going to be the death of me." you said, as you sighed.

If you took the job, which would be paralleling your skills at designing clothes would that make you a sellout? You thought, as you looked at the envelope and the check that were now on your kitchen counter.

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