Chapter 40 - Phone Call, Part 1

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###'s phone is ringing, screen lit up with a photo of that black haired man. I roll my eyes, how annoying, I think bitterly. 

"Daichi-kun, can I use your shower?" I hear ###'s voice call down the hall.

"Sure!," I reply brightly. "After spending the night in a practical dump, you sure deserve it! Shower as long as you like, don't worry about the water bills." I add, taking her ignorance as an advantage. And it is true, Dad's gonna cover the bills anyways. Since his job is basically collecting money and debts from people - we're filthy rich because of that. My mom works as a nurse too, and she makes big money just as well

And I'm their son, ignored, and given lavish things to keep my mouth shut so I don't interrupt them while they work. It's been like this since I was about five years old; they don't even care what I want to do when I finish university, because they think setting me on the path to be a businessman is the best thing for a son of the Furuichi family. Well, who cares? It's boring... I want to do something else. I won't let anyone control my life, and I won't let anyone take ### either!

Clicking the green answer button on ###'s phone, I snicker to myself. That's right, ###, I think, take as long as you want.

"Hello~ Daichi-kun speaking!" I chirp into the phone.

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