Mafumafu Birthday Special

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I wake up, yawning and stretching in my bed. Today should relaxing; I don't have any homework, and it's a Sunday. Today should be perfect. Looking around my room, I begin planning my peaceful day at home. Just then, Soraru bursts into my room, out of breath. "#-###-chan!", he pants. "What is it, Soraru-san?", I ask him. Catching his breath, he waits a moment before looking up at me. "It's Mafu-kun's birthday today.", Soraru wheezes, before falling onto my bed to rest his sweaty body.

"What?!", I ask Soraru in disbelief before grabbing a fist full of his shirt. "Why didn't you tell me?!", I protest "What are we going to do? He's at work today, isn't he? We have plenty of time to plan.". Realising that Soraru is unconscious, I drop his body back on the bed. sighing, I walk out. Time to get the cold water.


Soraru wakes up with a jolt, gasping from the cold water I splashed on his face. Rubbing his sleeves against his face in an attempt to warm his cheeks up again, Soraru shudders. "T-thanks ###-chan", he says, teeth chattering. I nod. "No problem. So what are we going do for Mafumafu-san's birthday?" Soraru rubs his chin thoughtfully, thinking. "How about we buy him something?" "Good thinking", I reply sarcastically "But what?". Soraru scratches his head, out of ideas. "You know what? Let's just go to the mall and see what we can find."

Half an hour later, me and Soraru are at the mall

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Half an hour later, me and Soraru are at the mall. Among the bustling crowds, we sit down on one of the benches. Scanning the various stores, I wonder what Mafumafu might like. Clothes don't seem to fit him, books or fluffy pillows either. Although I was very close to telling Soraru to go over there, I stopped myself at the last moment. Out of ideas, I look over to Soraru for help. "Soraru-san?", I ask, looking over to him. He's staring into the distance again. Poking his shoulder seems to do the trick and he turns to me. "Mm? What is it, ###-chan?", Soraru asks, sweeping his black hair to the side. "Found anything yet? You're just staring off into space and I'm starting to get concerned.", I say. "Ah, well don't worry", Soraru smiles. "I know just what Mafu-kun wants. C'mon, ###-chan", he says, pulling me along. 

We've arrived at a shop that seems to be selling Pokémon plushies, none to my liking. Peering curiously at them as we enter, I ask Soraru if this is what Mafumafu likes. "Yup," Soraru replies. "In fact", he says, pointing a plushie that kind of looks like Pikachu with a badly drawn face "He wants Mimikyu-kun". "Ugh, that thing? Creepy", I say. Soraru ruffles my hair "Well, Mafu-kun likes it, so we have to get it, ok?". I nod, "Sure".

As soon as we pay for it, we head out of the store. Soraru holding the bag for my comfort. "Ah jeez, does he really like that thing?", I ask Soraru. He nods. I sigh, there's nothing we can do about it then. Walking through the mall, Soraru bumps into someone, and drops the bag. "Shoot!", he hisses. "Hey, I'll go get it.", I say helpfully, and Soraru nods after giving it some thought. "Be careful, ###-chan.", Soraru says, not going anywhere. Nodding, I bend down to pick up the bag, and get run over by a jumping kid. "Agh!", I yelp, as my nose hits the hard stone ground. Soraru immediately comes over. "Are you ok?", he asks worryingly. I nod, it's not so bad. "Y-yeah. Let's just get this back to Mafumafu-san.", I say. 

As we arrive, Mafumafu greets us

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As we arrive, Mafumafu greets us. "Soraru-san! ###-chan! Welcome home!", he says energetically, and gives us both hugs. Suddenly, he notices my bleeding nose. "Oh no, ###-chan! Are you okay?", Mafumafu asks worryingly. I nod "I'm fi-", but before I can see anything, Mafumafu kisses my nose.


It's like an explosion throughout my body, and as soon as he pulls away, he hugs me. "Feel better soon, ok?", Mafumafu asks softly, cupping my chin. The only thing I can do is nod. Smiling, he claps his hands together. "Now, let's enjoy my birthday!", Mafumafu says brightly, and the both us nod and go upstairs for an obvious Gochiusa binge, accompanied with ice-cream and pop-corn. Completely ignoring the fact that Mafumafu just kissed my bleeding nose.

...And I liked it. 

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